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發表於 2018-1-10 09:11:06 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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St. Louis lost two other players in the opening quarter as defensive tackle Kendall Langford and guard Rodger Saffold went out with leg injuries.
As Bradford stayed on the ground for several minutes, Rams coach Jeff Fisher came onto the field with trainers to check on his condition. Bradford,Cheap Adidas NHL Jerseys, who is wearing a brace on his left knee,Wholesale NBA Jerseys Authentic, walked gingerly to the sideline, was examined by medical personnel behind the Rams' bench before being escorted to the locker room for further medical tests.
Bradford has made 49 career starts since he was drafted with the No. 1 overall pick by St. Louis in 2010. He was replaced by Shaun Hill.
The knock on Bradford is that he has not been able to stay healthy. He played in just 10 games in 2011,NBA Jerseys China.
CLEVELAND (AP) — St,Cheap Soccer Jerseys. Louis starting quarterback Sam Bradford reinjured his surgically repaired left knee in the first quarter against the Browns on Saturday night.
Two more Rams were injured on the same play in the second quarter. Left cornerback Trumaine Johnson and defensive tackle Michael Brockers went down, but Brockers walked off under his own power.

The Rams provided little information on Bradford's injury, saying only he has a knee injury and will not return to the game.
The Rams had four other starters hurt in the first half,Cheap NFL Jerseys.
Joyner's injury appeared to be serious. He was taken off the field on a cart,Cheap Jerseys China, and several teammates wished him well before he was driven away.
Bradford was playing his second preseason game after making his exhibition debut last week against Green Bay. Fisher had hoped to play Bradford for most of the first half.  He went 4 of 9 for 77 yards before leaving.
Bradford, who missed the Rams' final nine games last season after having a torn left anterior cruciate ligament repaired, went down after being pressured and hit high by defensive lineman Armonty Bryant.

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