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發表於 2018-1-14 15:00:53 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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"I don't want to ever give the indication that we're thinking about the future or anything like that," Zimmer said. "I understand that we're a young football team, I guess is what I'm saying, and that we're going to have some learning experiences with some of these situations."
"We got into those situations last year where losing those ball games is on the defense, and this just feels too weirdly similar to that," Greenway said after the 17-16 loss that came on a touchdown pass from Orton to Sammy Watkins with 1 second left and dropped the Vikings to 2-5.
"I got to a good spot, but you've got to make the play in that situation," Greenway said. "Hand was right in the pocket, but the ball just didn't come out."
They have to start by winning a game or two. The amount of promising young players on the roster doesn't really serve as consolation.
Seven plays and 36 yards later,Wholesale China Jerseys, the Vikings were beaten again.
Zimmer's agitation was palpable after the last two losses,Wholesale NHL Jerseys, to Green Bay and Detroit, but despite the frustration of the last-second defeat in Buffalo he struck a more optimistic tone regarding the performance and direction of his team.

EDEN PRAIRIE, Minn. (AP) — Trying to get Minnesota's secondary aligned right, Chad Greenway had his head turned as Buffalo quickly snapped the ball on a last-chance fourth-and-20.
"This is a now business. Everything is right now," Smith said. "You want to win right now. That's just the world that we live in. That's what we've got to do. We have to do it as fast as possible."
The ninth-year veteran linebacker recovered enough from the split-second delay to match strides with tight end Scott Chandler, his former college teammate, on a route up the seam. But the ball thrown by Kyle Orton eluded Greenway's outstretched right arm and landed softly in Chandler's hands, giving the Bills a first down.
Last season,Nike NFL Jerseys China, the Vikings lost four times and tied once after leading in the final minute of the fourth quarter in all five of those games. The 15-play, 80-yard drive the Bills used to score Sunday had a familiar result for a team that gave up more points last year than any other team in the NFL.
Greenway was turned around motioning to cornerback Captain Munnerlyn,Cheap Jerseys From China Outlet, who was returning to position from the previous play and too deep at the time.
The Bills converted a third-and-12 on that drive,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, too, when Watkins beat cornerback Josh Robinson on a slant pattern.
Except this edition of the Vikings has been vastly improved on defense. They had six sacks and forced four turnovers against the Bills, allowing only 293 yards over the first 56-plus minutes.
At three times in his Monday news conference, Vikings coach Mike Zimmer said he should have called timeout before the fourth-and-20 play to give his players a chance to get settled. Sure, that would've stopped the clock for the Bills, but if Greenway wasn't looking the wrong way when the ball was snapped he would've had Chandler better covered.
That's what made the late lapse all the more frustrating.
"It was poor technique," Zimmer said.
"Got to get off the field," said safety Harrison Smith,Wholesale China Jerseys, who came up to tackle Chandler on the crucial completion. "We had them in positions where we could've, and those are what the good teams do. The good teams win the game right there."
The Vikings play at Tampa Bay (1-5) this week and host Washington (2-5) the game after that before their bye, so there is space for them to get in a groove and at least make themselves relevant down the stretch even if catching the Packers (5-2) and Lions (5-2) will be a long shot.

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