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發表於 2018-1-19 11:11:04 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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By Fareeza HaniffFollowing continuous acts of sabotage at the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) Enmore and LBI estates,Wholesale Jerseys Store, the company has beefed up security measures at all locations.This is according to Minister of Agriculture, Robert Persaud, who told Kaieteur News on Friday that GuySuCo is conducting its own internal investigations in order to determine the perpetrator(s).The sugar company has also engaged the attention of the Guyana Police Force, Persaud said.“Those found to be behind these acts of sabotage, we would expect that they will face the full brunt of the law. It is a sickening situation to see people put those devices in the punts. They are huge devices,” Minister Persaud said.He expressed the hope that the police would be successful in nabbing those involved.Meanwhile, when contacted yesterday, Chief Executive Officer of GuySuCo,Cheap Jerseys Outlet, Errol Hanoman, told this publication that the corporation’s security service is conducting its own probe,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, while ‘security is tight’ at all locations.However, Hanoman explained that it is very difficult to identify the person (s) involved in such acts, given the distance from where the punts are loaded to the factory.According to the CEO, anything can happen within that space of time.However, he expressed optimism that the investigations would reveal something of interest in the new week.Recently, GuySuCo reported that its production is being disrupted by continuous acts of sabotage by person or persons who want to see the entity suffer.In a statement issued to the media on Thursday last,Wholesale China Jerseys, GuySuCo reported that the first act of anti-industrial behaviour occurred when a large boulder, weighing about 35 kilograms was placed in a sugar cane punt causing significant damage to the Enmore factory.Kaieteur News understands that someone placed the boulder in the punt and then covered it up with sugar cane, so that it would not be seen. It was noted that the sugar cane along with the boulder were both placed in the equipment, thus causing significant damage.A similar act occurred on September 20, last, when an additional sling chain was placed between sugar cane in a punt, again causing extensive damage to equipment at the said factory.However,Wholesale Cheap Jerseys, that was not the end,Cheap Stitched Jerseys, as the following day, a section of a railway track found itself in another punt,Wholesale Jerseys, this time at the LBI factory.According to GuySuCo, in this case the large piece of metal was detected at the feeder table and damage to the factory was averted.Meanwhile, a source within the Corporation has informed this newspaper that it is very difficult to find out who would commit such acts, given the fact that there are thousands of workers at these estates.The source added that GuySuCo suspects that these acts are being committed by a small group of persons who have an ‘agenda.’Though disturbed by the developments, officials at GuySuCo took the time to remind the public of the positive work environment that has prevailed in the industry over the past few weeks.It was noted that such an environment has been primarily responsible for workers, and the Corporation as a whole, achieving certain milestones – chief among those is the production of over 10,000 tonnes of sugar for the fifth consecutive week.

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