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Discount Football Jerseys Twenty-seven-year old Fitzroy Gibson









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發表於 2018-1-19 12:54:06 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Twenty-seven-year old Fitzroy Gibson, the man who was shot in the buttocks by the police on Sunday, was yesterday granted $100,000, by Acting Chief Magistrate Melissa Robertson.The allegation was that Gibson robbed Booj Maraj of $50,Wholesale Jerseys China,000 on March 19. He pleaded not guilty. He is being represented by attorney at law Vic Puran.The lawyer, in a bail application, told the court that his client was gainfully employed as a fruit vendor.The lawyer added that Gibson was shot in the buttocks and was hospitalised for several days.Puran explained that since no identification parade was done, it suggests that the virtual complainant knew his client.“My worship if there is no identification parade one can only assume that Gibson was known by the VC and he should have been picked up earlier if he indeed had committed the act” Puran argued.Puran added that the police are trying to solve another crime and his client is innocent of the charge.Police Prosecutor Steven Telford did not oppose bail. The prosecutor told the court that Gibson was shot after he allegedly attacked the police with a cutlass.He said that the police had gone to a Kitty house in search of Gibson for questioning on the robbery allegation.The Magistrate subsequently granted Gibson bail,NFL Jerseys Cheap, he is expected to return to court on June 3.Gibson had told this newspaper that he was unarmed when a police rank shot him in the buttocks following a dispute with his girlfriend on Sunday.However,Wholesale NBA Jerseys, the police allege that Gibson was armed with a cutlass when a rank shot him outside his Sandy Babb Street Home.And a 65-year-old man who stole a tube of toothpaste from Muneshwer’s Limited was yesterday placed on a bond to keep the peace for one year, when he appeared before the Acting Chief Magistrate.The man, Mounchand Arjoon, pleaded guilty to a charged which stated that he stole one tube of toothpaste worth $440,NFL Jerseys Wholesale, property of Muneshwers Limited.The court was told that Arjoon picked up the toothpaste and placed it in his pants back pocket and attempted to leave the store.However,Wholesale Jerseys, an alert security guard stopped him just as he was about to exit the store. A search was carried out on his person and the item was found.Arjoon told the Magistrate, “My worship I was so drunk…I ain’t know wah happen” Arjoon said.In the same breath Arjoon remembered that he was sent to the store by his employer to price a hammer.When questioned again by the prosecutor,Wholesale NFL Jerseys Online, Arjoon said that he was drunk and could not remember anything.The Magistrate subsequently placed Arjoon on a bond to keep the peace for a year.

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