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發表於 2018-1-19 20:57:47 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Two years after the tragic death of 22-year old Tiffon Peters, police investigations into theTiffon Petersmatter appear to be at a standstill.The young man, who was mentally ill, was reportedly found hanging in the cell of the East Ruimveldt Police Outpost in January 2014.According to reports,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, an inmate was preparing to sleep in the cell when he heard a “cracking sound.” He then saw Peters dangling from the cell bars by his shirt. Peters had been placed in the lock ups following allegations of simple larceny.News of his death came as a shock to many of Peters’ relatives and friends but the occurrence didn’t affect anyone else more than the dead man’s mother, Helena Peters,Authentic Jerseys Wholesale, who still finds it hard to believe that her son had committed suicide while in the lock ups. She had filed a complaint with the Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) of the Guyana Police Force and an investigation was launched into the matter.However another year has gone by and the woman is still to receive word from the Police on the investigation. Owing to her disbelief that her son took his own life,Cheap Jerseys, the mother has been pursuing the case, which she said had reached the level of the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP).“My son was my hands and feet and I really need something to be done,Wholesale China Jerseys, but for the longest time the police saying that the file with the DPP. They keep saying the file is with the DPP. I don’t know how long a file does take at the DPP,” Peters stressed.The woman said she made several visits to the DPP Chambers and continues to call on the authorities for answers.“When I check with the police; the police saying the matter with the DPP,Cheap Jerseys Paypal, and is so they want got me back and forth. I just want answers,” a frustrated Peters reiterated.The woman said that prior to his arrest in 2014, her son had suffered from mental illness and that he had undergone psychiatric treatment.As such, compounded by her suspicions over the cause of his death,Cheap Jerseys Wholesale, she has raised concerns about the police placing of her mentally challenged son in the lock-ups without supervision. She claims that the police were aware of her son’s mental condition, since it was not the first time that he was in their custody. The woman therefore expressed belief that the negligence of the police may have played a part in her son’s demise.She said unless the police can convince her otherwise, she will continue to believe that foul play was involved.“I want answers. I can’t understand why they are so intent on pushing me around,” she emphasised.Following the initial investigation,Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys, the police claimed that at the time, Peters was in the cell with another prisoner, who was awakened by gasping sounds and alerted the police after seeing Peters hanging. He was already booked to appear in court the following day.While in his cell, Peters had allegedly told his cell mate, “me ain’t able with this court thing.”

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