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Bring The Noise conducted an interview with Los Angeles theatrical rockers BLACK VEIL BRIDES before the band's sold-out concert this past Saturday night (October 29) at London, England's O2 Shepherd's Bush Empire. You can now watch the chat below.BLACK VEIL BRIDES is scheduled to release a brand new EP titled "Rebels" this Christmas. The effort is expected to include the band's cover version of BILLY IDOL's classic "Rebel Yell". In an interview with the Artisan News conducted this past summer, BLACK VEIL BRIDES singer Andy Biersack said that the group planned to release an EP before heading into the studio to begin work on its next full-length album. "[It's] just a couple of songs and some stuff that we've been toying around with,cheap jerseys, some tracks from the last record that didn't make it to the [last] record,China Jerseys, kind of revamping some stuff,nflchinawholesalecheapjerseys," he said. "We just wanna keep putting out material while our fans are interested and happy."As for a new album,NFL Jerseys China, Biersack said BLACK VEIL BRIDES hoped to begin recording by next April. Guitarist Jinxx added, "We definitely have a whole album worth of material. We're always coming up with ideas and we have [recording gear] in the back of our bus; we'll just put down ideas whenever we can."BLACK VEIL BRIDES postponed the remaining shows on its U.K. tour after Biersack broke his nose in Luxembourg on October 26.Even though Biersack and his bandmates played at O2 Shepherd's Bush Empire,Jerseys From China, they released an official statement Sunday morning announcing their decision to cancel their shows at Wolverhampton Civic Hall (October 30) and Bristol O2 Academy (November 1), as well as their Oxford Street HMV signing and special Halloween show at London's Borderline on October 31.In an interview with Revolver magazine, Biersack said he suffered his most recent injury as a result of his "typical routine to entertain the crowd . rolling around and being crazy."

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