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發表於 2018-1-27 13:26:15 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The Jets will be playing in London for the first time, which may explain why they are taking so much care to ensure the players feel right at home.
The Dolphins did that last season,NFL Jerseys China, though, beating the "host" Raiders easily in the first of last year's three NFL games in London.
"Coming off two tough losses where we didn't play well, it's a big game," Dolphins quarterback Ryan Tannehill said Friday. "We're not happy about how we played. We understand that we have to play better."
LONDON (AP) — Call it the Toilet Bowl.
Regardless of the toilet paper discussion, Sunday's game at Wembley Stadium will be important for both AFC East teams. The Dolphins are 1-2 after winning their opener. The Jets are 2-1, but lost their last game.
The defense is also an issue. The Dolphins rank next to last in run defense and last with only one sack in 94 pass plays. And that's with Ndamukong Suh in the team.

"We've talked a lot about playing a 60-minute football game, which we really haven't done up to this point and time,Cheap Jerseys China," Dolphins coach Joe Philbin said. "We've talked a lot about making first downs and having balance and rhythm on offense."
"Last year,wholesale jerseys, I came out of the tunnel and everyone was holding Oakland Raiders signs. I thought,Cheap Jerseys, 'There's a lot of Raiders fans here,'" Tannehill remembered. "Hopefully this year they say Dolphins."
"You would think it would be fine over here,Discount NFL Jerseys," said Miami Dolphins rookie running back Jay Ajayi, who was born in Britain but moved to the U.S. as a kid. "For them to do that, that's pretty interesting."
Suh, the highest-paid defensive player in league history, has seven tackles so far, but no sacks.
"It's going to be a key game for us to come out and get started fast, how we want to play,Cheap NFL Jerseys, which we haven't done the past couple games," Tannehill said.
But more important than the venue is getting the team playing the right way.
Much of the talk surrounding the first of three regular-season NFL games in London has been hijacked by the news that the New York Jets flew to England with their own toilet paper to replicate the comforts of home.
It has certainly become a topic of conversation since both teams arrived in London on Friday.
"I could make a short comment right there but I decline," Jets coach Todd Bowles said at the team's practice facility. "I'm not touching that one."
Sunday's game, the 12th to be played in London, will be the first to feature division rivals. That adds some extra interest and some extra intensity, especially for the "host" Dolphins, who played in London last year as the "away" team and beat the Oakland Raiders 38-14.

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