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發表於 2018-1-28 14:26:01 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Coach John Harbaugh said he's confident that Mosley will keep getting better and not only again help the Baltimore defense but grow as a player,Cheap Adidas NHL Jerseys.
"You can never take a step back,Off White Vapormax For Sale," Mosley said. "So it's just building from everything I did last year and going up from there. The bar was already set at the position when I got drafted,Cheap Jerseys China, and I did what I did last year. So for me,NBA Jerseys China, I've got to make sure I'm doing the right things and keeping my body right as usual."
"I know sometimes guys who have (a) great Year 1 don't have (a) great Year 2 — don't follow it up — but that should never be the case," Harbaugh said. "If your head is screwed on the right way,Cheap Soccer Jerseys, you should have a better Year 2, and I believe C.J.'s head is screwed on the right way."
Mosley started every game and made the Pro Bowl as a rookie last year. He had 129 tackles, three sacks, two interceptions and a forced fumble,Cheap Jerseys Online, numbers that look even better considering he played the final six games with the broken wrist. He underwent surgery in the offseason and was cleared for training camp.
OWINGS MILLS, Md. (AP) — Ravens inside linebacker C.J. Mosley says his surgically repaired wrist feels 100 percent.
Guard Kelechi Osemele said that Mosley never acted like a rookie and expects the linebacker will improve plenty in his second season.
Mosley impressed many teammates with his attitude and how hard he worked last year.
"He works on his technique; he's a student of the game," Osemele said. "He has tremendous confidence, and he's very talented."
The Ravens picked the 6-foot-2, 235-pound inside linebacker from Alabama in the first round of the 2014 draft, and after the impressive rookie season he just wants to keep getting better.
"I have all the confidence I can have," he said. "It's healed now, so I don't have any excuses."

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