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[平板電腦] Wholesale Jerseys guitarist Michael Wilton









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發表於 2016-12-27 10:57:01 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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According to Billboard.com,NFL Jerseys China, members of the Seattle-based progressive rock band QUEENSRŸCHE are attempting to keep their former lead singer,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, Geoff Tate,China Jerseys, from using the group's name until their dispute is resolved.Tate, who was fired from QUEENSRŸCHE in June after fronting the group for three decades, recently sought to prevent his former bandmates from touring and operating under the QUEENSRŸCHE name without him. While ruling against Tate,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, the presiding judge determined that there was no legal hurdle in Tate also using the name with an all-new lineup of musicians.  "I don't see any reason that Mr. Tate can't have the benefit, if he gets other members,Jerseys From China Authentic, of whatever name he uses of using the brand," Superior Court Judge Carol A. Schapira said during the July 13 court hearing. "I think [doing that would be] inherently confusing,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, although I'm sure the market can get these things sorted out," she added.On September 2, Tate announced that he was launching his own version of QUEENSRŸCHE with RATT drummer Bobby Blotzer, former QUIET RIOT, OZZY OSBOURNE and WHITESNAKE bassist Rudy Sarzo and former MEGADETH and KING DIAMOND guitarist Glen Drover. Also on board in the new group are returning QUEENSRŸCHE guitarist Kelly Gray — who played with the band from 1998 until 2001 and also produced several of their albums — and keyboardist Randy Gane,Wholesale China Jerseys, who has toured and recorded with QUEENSRŸCHE and Geoff's solo group in the past.In a motion for partial summary judgment filed September 21 in Washington state's King County Superior Court (see document below),Cheap NFL Jerseys, guitarist Michael Wilton, drummer Scott Rockenfield and bassist Eddie Jackson ask that the court declare that Tate "has no right to the QUEENSRŸCHE band name, marks and media assets since he has no grant of authority from the Tri-Ryche Corporation [which controls all QUEENSRŸCHE name and trademark rights. — Ed.] that owns them, unless and until he is able to succeed on his claims to dissolve the QUEENSRŸCHE corporations, and to enter a permanent injunction to the same." "The recent announcement of a second QUEENSRŸCHE lineup, upcoming tour plans and new musical direction has caused some confusion for our fans. This confusion has caused Scott, Michael and I to file a motion against our former vocalist to prevent him from using the name QUEENSRŸCHE," Jackson told Billboard.com in an exclusive statement. "Until now, we have never asked the court to intervene on our behalf but it seems like we have no choice now in light of Geoff's recent actions. We thank the fans who have been supporting us through this whole process and can't wait to unleash the one true QUEENSRŸCHE to the masses."Read more from Billboard.com.

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