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發表於 2016-12-28 02:05:50 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Bret Vesely of the Phoenix,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, Arizona radio station 98 KUPD conducted an interview with STATIC-X frontman Wayne Static on August 30 at Rocky Point Cantina in Tempe. You can now watch the chat below.Bassist Brent Ashley left STATIC-X earlier in the month. His final show with the band took place on September 1 at the House Of Blues in West Hollywood, California. He wrote on his Facebook page, "[I] wish things would have ended differently,NFL Jerseys China Authentic, but I'm very excited for what the future will bring." He added on Twitter, "Being the professional that I am, I won't call anyone out or point fingers as to why I left. But,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, if ya meet me in person … feel free to ask."Original STATIC-X bassist Tony Campos — who is currently on the road with SOULFLY — issued a statement in July indicating that he had "no interest in working with [STATIC-X frontman] Wayne Static,NFL Jerseys China, now, or anytime in the foreseeable future."Regarding his decision to resurrect STATIC-X,NFL Jerseys China Stitched, Wayne said, "I really just wanted to go back to old-school STATIC-X since the band has been gone for a few years. The last tour I was on I did a lot of my solo stuff, and I'm ready to get back to old-school STATIC-X stuff, which is actually new again."STATIC-X's recent trek marked the band's first outing since they announced a hiatus in 2009. Athough none of the other original members — Campos, Koichi Fukuda (guitar) and Nick Oshiro (drums) — are part of the new STATIC-X lineup, Tony previously said that he was supportive of his former bandmate's decision to reform the group, saying, "I'm proud of my years with STATIC-X, and want to see the name of the band stay alive and well. I hope that all of our fans will continue to support both Wayne and I in our individual endeavors."Multi-camera video footage of STATIC-X's September 6 performance at The Rodeo Club in San Jose, Californa can be seen below (courtesy of Bay Area Backstage).Interview:  Performing live on September 6 at The Rodeo Club in San Jose, Californa:

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