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發表於 2018-2-5 15:31:52 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Local leading computer suppliers, STARR Computers Inc. (STARR) has partnered with technology giant,China Jerseys Wholesale, Samsung, to boost the quality of computers being offered within the country.STARR is the authorised distributors of Samsung, Lenovo, APC, Hannspree Q-See, Fozra, Klip Xtreme,Cheap NFL Jerseys, NComputing brands in Guyana, this was disclosed yesterday at the company’s head office at 59 Brickdam.It was also noted that there are intentions to set up several “power center” outlets across the country (rural areas) to further develop customer services and computer supplies.President of STARR computers Michael Mohan (center) flanked by General Manager Rehman Majeed (left) and Samsung’s Director Luis Urrunaga. President of STARR computers,nfl jerseys china, Michael Mohan,nfl jerseys china, said that the quality of products, services and supplies being offered to consumers is one of the main principles that the company values.He said that although the market might not be a large one, its potentials for investment by major companies are attractive, since Guyana is becoming a “hotspot” for international investment around the world.Noting that Guyana is the gateway for the Caribbean into South America, Mohan said there are many migrant small businesses developing in the country, and there are lots of third quality products being shipped into the country.Adding that there is a lot of partnership with international investors, manufactures and vendors, President of STARR computers said that his company will be setting the pace with good quality products versus third quality products. “We want to give consumers the best quality products available.”He said Samsung and STARR have signed an agreement to be the authorised distributor of Samsung products in Guyana. It was also noted that STARR will be purchasing directly for Samsung,Wholesale Cheap Jerseys, and consumers will benefit since the items will be the best quality and at an affordable price compared to other retailers.“A very large percentage of persons walking into STARR computers is looking for quality products, they don’t want to hear about generic and third quality products.”Mohan added that in a few months Samsung will be sending personnel to train local staff to develop the various investments which will benefit customers.Samsung electronics information systems division director, Luis Urrunaga, said that Samsung, which is a Korean word,NFL Jerseys Outlet, means three starts. The brand intends to be a start within the computer industry.He added that Samsung has become the number one technology manufacturer in the world and accrued approximately US$37B worth in revenues in 2010.Adding that Samsung is the largest technology company with the widest array of products in the market, Urrunaga said the company was born in 1969 and developed in almost every field of technology.He noted that the partnership with Starrs is to benefit customers and both companies are gearing to become number one.General Manager (STARR Computer Inc),Cheap Jerseys China, Rehman Majeed said that his company has approximately six locations in Berbice and plans to branch off to the outskirts of the country.He noted that after the launch of the one laptop per family there will be much interest in computers services, supplies, accessories and products.

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