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For a thriving, round the clock mining location as Mahdia, being unable to access electricity is out of the question,Cheap NFL Jerseys Authentic, and residents are quite upset over the situation.Yesterday, a number of irate and frustrated persons, especially business owners, came out in their numbers to express their disgust with an almost three-month 12-hour power shortage.Some of the frustrated residents protesting.The Region Eight residents said that the power is being cut off at six o’clock in the morning and is not returned until six o’clock at night.  They charged that this is despite being assured by the government that 24-hour electricity was guaranteed to the community.Added to their frustration, residents said,NFL Jerseys China, is that they are still paying monthly bills at the same charge as a 24-hour electricity provision.Vincent Javier, who operates a small grocery store in the community, said that prior to Mahdia receiving electricity, Prime Minister Samuel Hinds told the community that they would be able to get round the clock electricity.“I asked the Honorable Prime Minister if it would be possible for us to get 24-hour electricity. I asked him if it was feasible. He said yes. He said he is certain we would have 24-hour electricity because the technicians had done studies. Today they telling us something different and talking about fuel.”“So who are the technicians,Jerseys NFL Cheap, who did the feasibility study?” Javier questioned.Alliance for Change Councillor,Cheap Adidas NHL Jerseys, Mahamed Gafoor, said that the Mahdia Power and Light (MPL) would buy fuel with money earned from electricity bills, but the operators are claiming that the fuel is as expensive as if it is being bought in Mahdia.  Mohamed said this is despite news that the fuel is duty free.He further charged that added to the electricity fees paid by residents the Prime Minister indicated a monthly subsidy of $4M. With this,Wholesale China Jerseys, Gafoor opined,Wholesale Football Jerseys, the area should access adequate fuel for a 24-hour service.June Marcello, another AFC member and Parliamentarian, said that last year’s budget had allocated large sums of money to the Mahdia electricity situation but still they face a grave problem.“We have brought it to the PM’s attention that the people are suffering and our food is spoiling.”Marcello said, “The only solution is if they fix the Tumatumari hydro plant and ensure that this year’s budget allocation serves the people well.”Other residents chanted, “We want light, we need light.” Placards read “Region Eight is part of Guyana; Stop punishing our children; We need 24-hour electricity; REO undermines another region and set up hydro power plant at Tumatumari.”A male resident, who wished to remain anonymous, said that he understood that for years MPL had been receiving subsidies until a few months ago when the government allegedly withdrew these subsidies because they could not be accounted for.“It is only now we really seeing what happening since the money was taken away.”Shop owners said that their products are spoiling and no one is going to compensate them. One man said that a large quantity of chicken was spoiled and had to be tossed out. Another said his dairy items also had to be tossed out.Even on weekdays, residents said, the situation is the same. Students are unable to use computers and other electrical items because of the lack of power. One resident even alleged being told by the Regional Executive Officer that the community did not vote for the current administration so he had no concern.When Kaieteur News visited the location small generators were heard in many parts of the community as electricity had been cut off since six in the morning. Those without generators had to stay without power until it returned.This publication was however able to catch up with MPL manager Courtney Handy who amidst accusations by residents of fuel theft and sabotage, said that it is not his fault for the outrageous power shortage.The manager explained that there are simply inadequate quantities of fuel for 24-hour service.He said that Mahdia has two engines, a large and a small which use 150 and 180 drums of fuel monthly respectively. He said that the money MPL receives is enough to only buy 100 drums of fuel.He further said that as of this year the smaller engine experienced technical difficulties and the larger engine is now being used. He however said that even if the smaller engine was working 24 hours,NFL Jerseys Wholesale, energy still could not be provided since the company would still be 50 drums short.The community is however calling on the relevant authorities and begging an audience with Prime Minister Samuel Hinds. They further called on the AFC to investigate their plight and warned that this is the first step to engage authorities while requesting a speedy intervention into their matter.

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