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發表於 2018-2-8 00:36:27 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Guyana needs the church more than ever, said City Mayor Hamilton Green, when a visiting delegation from Kiribati, an island nation located in the Central Tropical Pacific Ocean, paid a courtesy call to his office on Tuesday.Kiribati is composed of 32 atolls and one raised coral island, dispersed over 3,500,000 square kilometres, (1,351,000 square miles) straddling the equator, and bordering the International Date Line to the east.The delegation was led by 28-year-old Reverend Katrimoa Taaman, who officiates at the Protestant Church of Kiribati.Reverend Taaman assumed her ministerial post as a minister just two years ago.In a conversation which required a translator,Wholesale Jerseys From China, the City Mayor told Reverend Taaman, “You have come at a time when we need the church more than ever. We have inculcated patterns of developed countries but we don’t have the institutional mechanisms to neutralise the trend of behaviours.”According to Green, in the Guyana circumstance the church, which according to him includes all religious bodies, needs to provide space or a vacuum to correct people so that they know and understand what is right from wrong. The church, the Mayor pointed out has a greater responsibility than it actually knows as it has to fight against much negative interference.Following their solemn discussion, gifts were exchanged between the Reverend and the Mayor who also offered a key to the city to the Kiribatian delegation.Reverend Taaman’s purpose here is to join the local Presbyterian Church in its Guyana Congregation Reunion New Face programme 2009 which commenced last Saturday and is expected to continue until next week Saturday.The aim of the programme is to enable each minister to experience, share and learn, in a new context, other ways of doing ministry and mission by actively participating in life and witness of congregation.The programme is also intended to give the minister the opportunity to socialise and build relationships so that congregations can benefit from the input of the placement minister.According to the Reverend, she is happy to be here in Guyana, having never heard about this country before the recent plans for her travel here.She disclosed that Guyana “has many smiling faces” and added that “My purpose for coming here is to learn what I see within the church family and the church people can also learn about Kiribati.”

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