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Wholesale NFL China Jerseys to an education and the right to life









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發表於 2018-2-8 14:12:11 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Thirty-two-year old Marsha Archer of 23 ‘A’ Goed Fortuin, West Bank Demerara, has long been driven by a passion to help others. She hopes to accomplish this by becoming a lawyer.The former Richard Ishmael and subsequently Bishops’ High School student at first had her eyes set on becoming a scientist. But since she wasn’t able to do science her next option was law.“I want to make a difference in society and help people. I know that people might think that lawyers might not be able to help…We can help.“I want to do constitutional, public and human rights law because there are so many areas…You can interpret the law to assist people,” said Archer as she pointed out that people’s rights can so easily be trampled upon.She has hopes of delving into public prosecution and therefore is not opposed to gaining a place at the office of the Director of Public Prosecution.Archer also envisions being able to sit on the bench as a Magistrate and eventually becoming a Judge. “I just want to be an asset to society; that is why I chose law.”She is already on course to realizing this goal having completed the first year of the Legal Education Certificate programme at the Hugh Wooding Law School in Trinidad. When she wrote her finals earlier this year she aced all subject areas (at one sitting) and is therefore eligible to register for the second year of the programme.Early registration was scheduled for September 8 -9, 2015 but Archer was not able to do so. She is currently faced with an unfortunate snag – limited finances.She literally has no family support. Her single parent mother,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, who once operated as a vendor, hasn’t the capacity to do so, since she has already exhausted all of her funds helping Archer to reach her academic goal.Archer said that a week-long orientation is slated to commence on Monday,Jerseys NFL China, September 14,Wholesale Jerseys NFL, and she is hoping that with support she will be able to benefit from late registration.In order to continue the law programme she needs financial support amounting to US$24,Cheap China Jerseys,000 which will include her tuition fee, airfare, food and rent during her stay in Trinidad.Thus far,Wholesale NFL China Jerseys, she has gained support to host two fundraising bar-be-cues and she has benefited from some financial support from some individuals including $100,000 that has been committed by publisher of this publication, Mr Glenn Lall.She is appealing for financial support at the soonest possible time.But Archer is hopeful that other students will in future not have to deal with the predicament that she now faces. “I am going to give this Government about three years to see if they can make some changes because we have some constitutional rights such as the right to work, to an education and the right to life; how else are you going to have a life if you are not able to have an education to work and acquire and maintain yourself.”According to an emotional Archer, she is of the view that if Government is not able to contribute to people’s education, even in the long run, it could in essence stifle the development of the nation.Although she has already mothered one child, Archer said that she has no plans to give birth again until after completing her studies. “I can’t make any more children now because I can’t maintain them, so I am saying if Government doesn’t contribute to my education it would be suppressing my fertility because during the time I have to struggle to get an education where I want to develop myself you are actually decreasing your population growth.”She therefore has intentions of using the legal knowledge she gains to press the Government to show that “we have a right to free education so that we can elevate ourselves in a reasonable time, and also contribute to economic,Cheap Jerseys For Sale, social and other growths in society.”

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