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Nike Air Max Zero Mens she has to buy new padlocks for her door.On Saturday









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發表於 2018-2-10 13:36:45 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Imagine trying to earn an honest dollar at the age of 62. For a man,NFL Jerseys Store, it might seem normalSome of the padlocks that were cut by the thieves.but when a woman that age has to stay awake all night to guard someone else’s property, it can be terrifying, especially, when her own home is being broken into almost every  night when she is at work.This is the scary experience Bibi Baksh,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, a Hill Street, Albouystown resident is faced with daily.While she is at work, she has to be wondering whether her house is being sabotaged. Almost every week, she has to buy new padlocks for her door.On Saturday, Baksh visited this newspaper in tears and related her ordeal. She said that thieves tried to break into her home that morning.Yesterday,China Jersyes Cheap, the woman returned to Kaieteur News and claimed that that same night, thieves tried to break into her home again while she was at work. This is mostly being done by people in the village.Baksh explained that after her husband passed away several years ago, her house was destroyed by a fire. It is suspected that someone in the village set the place on fire.The woman claimed that since the fire, she worked and gradually repaired the bottom flat of the property where she currently resides with her son.Baksh shows the door the bandits tried to break to gain entry into her house.“I don’t trouble anyone in that place because I know what type of people they are. I go to work and I come home,” Baksh said.In 2014,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, bandits emptied her home. “They took everything except the fridge. They didn’t even leave underwear for me to wear. All my clothes they went with.”She said that she worked and even purchased a few items on hire purchase. “It’s not easy to know when most people sleeping in the night, I have to work and then these people (thieves) coming for the little money I work for.”She explained that because of her age, no one is willing to employ her so she does not have any other choice but to continue working as a security guard at her company.For last week, thieves tried to go into her home more than four times. “I was at work and I heard that someone trying to break into my home and I call and sent my son, who lives about four houses away. When he go, he see the boy and they (thieves) tried to shoot him. It hurts me to know I could have cost my son his life.”Last Saturday,Nike NFL Jerseys China, she left home around 07:00 hrs to run an errand. When she returned home, someone had again tried to enter the house by cutting one of the padlocks.“Imagine,Cheap Wholesale Jerseys, I went to tell Courts that I wouldn’t be able to pay them this month and by the time I reach home, people done try to break in my house. I am so sick and tired of this. I don’t know what else to do,” she cried.This woman has visited the Police Stations more than anyone could imagine. “One time I went to Ruimveldt Police Station and the woman (police) took my information and say that they would send someone. Up to now, no one came.”She also made a report at the same station last Saturday but the police never visited her home.The Commander of ‘A’ Division, Clifton Hicken could not be reached for a comment yesterday.The woman is pleading for the police’s intervention.

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