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Rosignol United,Authentic NFL Jerseys Wholesale, Beterverwagting United and Buxton United registered victories when the Guyana Football Federation (GFF)\ Banks Beer Premier League tournament continued yesterday.Delroy Fraser scores his penalty kick for Rosignol yesterday.At Buxton ground,Evan Engram Jersey, Rosignol United hammered Mahaica Denominator 4-1 after they were tied 1-1 at the end of regulation time. Rosignol dominated possession from the onset and Delroy Fraser gave them the lead in the 7th minute before Azuma Roberts equalized in the 14th.Mahaica looked more purposeful after half time with several players going forward as they tried desperately to take the lead,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, but several shots went wide of goal. Rosignol took the first penalty and Delroy Ferdinand wasted little time in giving his team the lead. Mahaica’s Celovis Wilson sent his shot wide before Clifford doubled the lead for Rosignol. Terry Caesar saw his shot saved while Christopher Clarkson found the back of the net for the Berbicians. Curt Roberts scored for Mahaica before Rosignol’s Delroy Fraser converted to give his team a hard fought victory.In another fixture at the said venue,Wholesale Jerseys From China, host Buxton United overcame New Amsterdam United 2-0. Both teams shared equal possession in the first half but went to the break 0-0. Buxton took advantage of the high wind and had more control in the second half. Mid fielder Devor Dennis gave them the lead in the 64th minute when he chipped a ball from about 40 yards outside the 18 yard box which New Amsterdam goalkeeper Omarie Bentham fumbled and eventually went into the net. Martin Stedmon doubled the advantage in 72nd minute when he glided past Bentham to seal the issue for his team.At Beterverwagting,Cheap Jeseys NFL, the home team beat Pouderoyen Young Achievers 1-0. Young Achievers dominated the first half but wasted a number of scoring opportunities with shots going wide of the net. BV showed more fight in the second half and forward Romario Welcome put them ahead in the 75th minute. Akeem Curry had another opportunity to score for the host but saw his shot blocked by Young Achievers’ goalkeeper Quincy Ashley in the closing stages.

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