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Nike Air Max 97 Australia Perry Holloway









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發表於 2018-2-12 00:56:23 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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More than 18 months after announcing the presence of the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) in Guyana, the US is in the process of making the situation a more permanent one.By January 15th next year, says new US Ambassador, Perry Holloway, an official who has already been selected and his team will be in place in Guyana.In July last year, former President, Donald Ramotar,Air Max 97 Buy Online, and the previous US ambassador, D. Brent Hardt, announced the establishment of a local DEA office to fight the drug trade.This was following the approval of the DEA office in Guyana by the US Senate. Moves have been underway since then to ramp up activities in Guyana.A number of temporary duty personnel have been stationed here.According to Ambassador Holloway,Cheap Jerseys Online, the DEA officials have been working closely with the local authorities not only on cases, but on training and lending of technical assistance. The agencies would have included the Customs Anti Narcotic Unit (CANU).There have been several high profile drug cases in both Guyana and the US.Holloway, speaking to reporters on Monday at the US Embassy in Kingston,China NFL Jerseys, also disclosed that an assessment team is in Guyana to speed up arrangements with the office, which is currently housed at the US Embassy in Kingston.Guyana, because of its geographical location in South America, has been a known trans-shipment point for narcotics for years now. The drugs have been making their way over the borders from Venezuela and onwards through the ports to the US or neighbouring Suriname for Europe.The new ambassador himself is no stranger to the drug fight.He has served in Colombia in various levels including Director of Narcotics Affairs Section and even in Washington doing work in counter narcotics.Questioned whether his work in the drug trade would have played a role in him being selected as ambassador to Guyana, Holloway downplayed it but made it clear that his tenure here would involve going after organized crime.“…I have extensive experience in the region,Marshon Lattimore Jersey, particularly in the area of security, crime,China Jerseys, and counter narcotics.I am committed to our efforts to disrupt and dismantle organized crime in Guyana and to end its use as transit point for narcotics.”He noted that the multi-faceted approach of President Barack Obama’s Caribbean Basin Security Initiative (CBSI), has produced some very positive results both in the area of drug seizures, and in working with at-risk youths to provide them with hope and economic opportunity.“Improved safety and security for all citizens of Guyana is essential to the country’s future stability and prosperity,” he said.Previously, before July last year,Nike Air Max 2018 Release, Guyana had to seek help from the Trinidad and Tobago-based DEA office, in the sharing of intelligence and exchange of mechanisms to tackle drug-smuggling problems.

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