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發表於 2018-2-12 08:29:25 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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“We have moved a far way from when rarely there was a fight or choke and rob. Now we have people dying every single day,” AFC executive member, Cathy Hughes said.AFC Executive Member, Cathy HughesSpeaking at the Middle Street, Georgetown, Sidewalk Cafe, recently the AFC executive said that nothing has been done to enhance citizens’ safety when statistics over the year show the daunting reality.“Crime has continued and that is why many months ago we were calling for the resignation of Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee. It is clear, year after year, that Guyanese continue to be killed and the police are unable to handle, report and adequately find solutions. The Minster is still presiding over the police force. Clearly something is wrong,” Mrs Hughes emphasised. “We continue to do exactly the same thing, which is in fact nothing.”As a country one of the basic fundamental rights has not yet been achieved, Mrs Hughes said. She continued that it is the right to security even as the right to life is being jeopardised with each act of crime.“How many more people have to die? Who is next? It comes down to ethics and it comes down to the fact that if you are not performing, then only you know to your heart that you are not performing and based on personal integrity you should be saying I can’t do better.“Rohee should be saying, ‘In the interest of not letting more people suffer, let me step aside, because anybody has an opportunity to do better, since all we have doing is go from worst to worst.’” Mrs Hughes lamented.The AFC cited prior instances where they said Rohee failed to act justly in keeping to his portfolio as Home Affairs Minister. Those included the Lindo Creek incident, the Leonora trauma where a teen’s genital area was torched at the area’s police station and the shooting of Attorney at Law James Bond of A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) and former Chief of Staff Eddie Collins.Recent police statistics reveal that there have been 31 murders since the beginning of July – seven within the last two weeks and five in the past six days. There have also been reports of slayings, bringing back memories of the crippling crime wave that began in 2002 and lasted for almost six years.Home Affairs Minister Clement RoheeRecently, businessman Zulficar ‘Vicky’ Namdar of 76 Third Street, Meten–Meer–Zorg was gunned down after heavily armed bandits descended on his Meten-Meer-Zorg home, leaving the community in shock and anger, and continuing what has been a surge in violent crime across the country in recent weeks.Kirk Davis, 31, of Eccles, East Bank Demerara was gunned down by a man who called him out of his home. Davis, of Seventh Street,China NFL Jerseys, Eccles, was shot countless times at close range in the chest and back.

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