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發表於 2018-2-12 12:12:54 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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A 47-year-old Georgetown man was yesterday denied bail for allegedly assaulting a minor – an 11-year-old girl.The man who resides in the Werk-en-Rust area made an appearance before Chief Magistrate Priya Beharry at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court and pleaded not guilty to the offence.The charge states that on November 30,Cheap Jerseys Wholesale, the man conducted himself inappropriately towards a girl under 16.The facts read by police prosecutor Phillip Sheriff stated that the accused and the alleged victim resided in the same yard but lived in different houses. He said on the day in question the child went over to the man’s residence to visit his wife. The wife was however asleep and the girl sought to exit the premises.It is alleged that the accused held onto the child’s hand and led her back into the house. He reportedly threw the girl to the ground and removed her underwear. Thereafter the accused purportedly fondled the child’s thigh areas before removing his clothing and taking up a position on top of the minor.It is also alleged that the man attempted to penetrate the child but was interrupted when his wife awoke due to the noise.According to the police,Cheap China Jerseys, the man quickly shoved the child out of the house. The 11-year-old later related the incident to her relatives who made a report at the Brickdam Police Station. After investigations the accused was arrested and charged.Prosecutor Inspector Steven Telford interjected on behalf of the police and requested that the accused be remanded to jail when the court requested the prosecutor’s stand on the matter. The senior officer said that his objections related to the seriousness and prevalence of the offence. He added that the accused and the victim reside in the same yard and it is likely that he would interfere with the witness.It was further said that the prosecution was ready to start the matter,Air Max 1 Atmos For Sale, with four witnesses being available.The Magistrate remanded the accused and assigned his next hearing for July 6.

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