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發表於 2018-2-12 14:58:31 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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None of it seemed to matter much, however, until Carr guided Oakland on a 17-play, 80-yard drive that took more than seven minutes off the clock and culminated with a touchdown pass to wide receiver James Jones with 1:42 left to play against the Chiefs on Nov. 20.
The first rookie quarterback to ever start a season opener for the Raiders, Carr also owns the franchise rookie record for passing yards (2,249) and touchdowns (14) — with five games still left to play.
"You can tell they have a franchise quarterback now," said Fisher, whose team plays the Raiders on Sunday in St. Louis. "He's developing. It looks like each week he's getting better,Adidas Nmd Shoes For Sale, making good decisions (and) obviously has a strong arm."
Several of his Oakland teammates have praised Carr,cheap nfl jerseys, not only for the poise he showed in the huddle on the winning drive against the Chiefs but for how he's handled himself all season.
ALAMEDA, Calif. (AP) — There's not much Derek Carr hasn't seen in his first season with the Oakland Raiders, from Rex Ryan's exotic blitz packages in New York to the dominant defensive fronts of Arizona and Kansas City.
Notes: RB Latavius Murray was limited and still has yet to be fully cleared after suffering a concussion last week against the Chiefs. ... LG Gabe Jackson (knee), S Larry Asante (shoulder), CB TJ Carrie (ankle) and S Jonathan Dowling (back) were also limited.
"I will say it was a relief that it ended up in a win," Carr said. "I was tired of coming in the next day and having to watch the film on a loss. Everything is better when you win."
The rookie quarterback kept the Raiders going as they suffered through 10 consecutive losses to begin the season,Authentic Jerseys Wholesale, then led them on a coming-of-age game-winning drive on national television to end the skid.
"One thing about him that's always stood out is his leadership ability and the intangibles at quarterback," T.J. McDonald said. "He's a guy that guys just seem to gravitate toward and always has a positive attitude."
St. Louis Rams coach Jeff Fisher is among them.
"Experience is one of the best teachers there is," Oakland offensive coordinator Greg Olson said Friday. "He's never a guy that's looking at the scoreboard and wondering whether this touchdown matters or not. He's trying to go out there and score."
It's all been a part of the growing process for Carr, who has a growing legion of fans around the league.
Carr was the fourth quarterback selected in the draft when the Raiders took him in the second round out of Fresno State, but he long ago began to stand out from the other three — Minnesota's Teddy Bridgewater,Wholesale MLB Jerseys 2018, Jacksonville's Blake Bortles and Cleveland's Johnny Manziel.
He became only the 12th rookie in NFL history to pass for more than 2,Cheap Jerseys Store,000 yards in his team's first 10 games. Carr did it despite getting little support from Oakland's running game most of the year.
It was the sixth time this season that Carr engineered a touchdown in the final two minutes of a game. That it gave the Raiders their first win of the year and ended the franchise's 16-game losing streak made it that much sweeter.
McDonald grew up in Fresno, and his father,Cheap Soccer Jerseys, former NFL star Tim McDonald, was an assistant coach with the Bulldogs for one season while Carr was there.
None of it is surprising to Rams strong safety T.J. McDonald.
Left guard Khalif Barnes has repeatedly credited Carr for being "mature beyond his years," while running back Darren McFadden said earlier this season that Carr long ago quit being looked at by his peers as a normal rookie.

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