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[平板電腦] Cheap MLB Jerseys Jan. 22 - Ramona









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發表於 2016-12-29 07:52:19 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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Legendary guitarist Uli Jon Roth's (SCOPRIONS) Sky Academy seminar is now confirmed for Anaheim,Wholesale Jerseys China, California for January 23, 2012. Sky Academy was conceived by Uli to provide knowledge and inspiration to those who take guitar seriously and to help them reach a new plateau. The seminars are designed to open people's eyes to new possibilities and to trigger an awakening of the student's full awareness. The philosophy and approach of Sky Academy is consistent with the ideals of its founder. The teaching will center on achieving the student's transition to a noticeably higher level of ability. This includes raising their general and specific musical awareness, as well as facilitating an increase in their technical abilities. The participants will be able to receive invaluable direct insights into the way Uli approaches the art of guitar playing, as well as concerning his philosophy of music in general. To enroll, go to this location.In other news,Cheap Jerseys USA, Uli will embark on a North American tour in January, beginning with three shows during NAMM and then picking up again in Milwaukee on January 26. Confirmed dates so far (more to be added): Jan. 20 - Corona,Cheap NFL Jerseys, CA @ The Marque 15    Jan. 21 - Hollywood, CA @ Key Club (NAMM Jam)Jan. 22 - Ramona, CA @ Ramona Mainstage    Jan. 26 - Milwaukee,Cheap Authentic Jerseys Online, WI @ Shank Hall Jan. 27 - Chicago, IL @ Reggies   Jan. 29 - Toronto, ONT @ The Rockpile     Jan. 31 - New York, NY @ B.B. Blues Club & Grill (with Leslie West)Feb. 01 - Foxbourough,Cheap NFL Jerseys Store, MA @ Showcase Live (with Leslie West)Feb. 02 - Pittsburgh, PA @ Altar Bar   Feb. 03 - Sellersville, PA @ Sellersville Theater (with Leslie West)Feb. 04 - Sayreville, NJ @  Starland Ballroom (with Leslie West)Feb. 09 - Tempe, AZ @ Club Red   Feb. 10 - Redondo Beach, CA @ The Brixton Feb. 11 - Oakland, CA @ The Pound West Feb. 14 - Tacoma, WA @ Backstage LiveFeb. 15 - Seatle, WA @ El Corazon      Feb. 17 - Orangevale, CA @ The Boardwalk  Feb. 18 - Garden Grove, CA @ The Can

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