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Nike Air Max 98 Gundam For Sale Managing Director of Demerara Tobacco Company









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發表於 2018-2-14 21:09:54 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The Private Sector Commission (PSC) is looking to work more closely with the media and yesterday, the body met with several operatives to outline plans for this year.During the session at the PSC’s Waterloo Street headquarters, a Power Point presentation was conducted, which not only highlighted the work and membership of the advocacy group, but also laid out plans of the organization for this year.Present were new Chairman, Ramesh Dookhoo, and Executive Director, Roubinder Rambarran who both stressed that the body is moving to further educate Guyana about the entity’s work.According to Rambarran,Air Max 97 Buy Online, the PSC is convinced that Guyana has all the potential to make it a premier destination for tourists and one for ready investments.“Too often,NFL Jerseys Supply, the media is focused on the crime and politics issues without too much emphasis on the developmental aspect. We want to change that culture. There are many positive things in the business community that should be highlighted.”According to the official, the idea of yesterday’s session was to also discover whether the PSC is lacking in any way and what can be done to improve the situation.“Is there a lack of information? Are there any measures that we can adopt so our work can be highlighted more? These are all questions that we want answered.”While the forum was geared to attract the owners of the media houses instead of its workers, the PSC officials indicated that attempts will now be made to engage them “in a more meaningful way”.Recently, Dookhoo, a senior executive of Banks DIH Limited, was named to head the PSC,Nike Air Vapor Max Flyknit On Sale, one of Guyana’s leading advocacy groups for local businesses.Dookhoo, the Business Development Executive at Banks DIH,China Jerseys Cheap, was elected following the Annual General Meeting held two Fridays ago at Duke Lodge, Kingston. Dookhoo replaced local businessman, Captain Gerry Gouveia.Guyana Telephone and Telegraph Company senior executive, Yog Mahadeo, is the new Vice Chairman.Chandradat Chintamani, Managing Director of Demerara Tobacco Company,Cheap Air Max 95 For Sale, will retain his position of Honorary Treasurer and Andrew Astwood, President of the Shipping Association of Guyana is the new Honorary Secretary.According to the PSC,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, the members of the new executive are no strangers to the body since they have served in various capacities before.“They bring with them a wealth of experience that would help to propel the PSC. The executive expressed their appreciation to Council members for their confidence in them and promised to work assiduously in the development of the PSC.”

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