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[平板電腦] Adidas Nmd r1 Women the 25 year-old mother of Thom’s two children









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發表於 2018-2-15 03:44:55 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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An alleged cutlass attack early yesterday morning from a jilted West Coast Berbice man has left one other injured while up to last evening he (perpetrator) was receiving treatment at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) after having the blade turned on him.The assailant has been identified as Oudit Thom, 36, of Number 5 Village, West Coast Berbice and is said to have received chops to the head, neck and arms.Belinda ‘Nicky’ BourneHis victim, 18-year-old Tevin Hamer of Lot 30, Number 4 Village, West Coast Berbice,Cheap NFL Jerseys, was dealt chops to both arms,Cheap Hockey Jerseys, the right side of his forehead,Cheap Nike Free Run Shoes, upper back and left thigh. Hamer was treated at the Fort Wellington hospital before being transferred to the GPHC where he was attended to and sent home.According to a family member, the attack on Hamer was actually intended for his cousin, Belinda Bourne called ‘Nicky’, the 25 year-old mother of Thom’s two children,Wholesale Jerseys From China, aged one and five.The relative explained that Bourne had recently severed the relationship with the man “because he’s not working and providing for his children,” resulting in him being asked to remove from the home.She said that with his removal came steady threats where Thom would claim that he is “coming with cutlass to kill her (Bourne) and her two children and then kill himself.”The relative said that the man first acted on his threats just days ago when he showed up at Bourne’s home and dealt her two stabs; once to the lower back and once under her left arm. Her wounds were treated at the Fort Wellington Hospital and a report of the attack was lodged at the Fort Wellington Police Station.Detailing the attack yesterday during which Hamer was injured,Wholesale Jerseys China, the relative related that at about 01:30 hrs, Thom scaled the verandah of the premises after mounting a tire onto a glass case. She said that the front of the house was unsecure since half of the glass door was absent. In its place, the occupants taped plastic.She said that Bourne’s sister who was staying in the first room of the house was awakened by the noise and subsequently raised an alarm to other members of the household. By this time,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, Thom had already chopped his way through the plastic leaving only a curtain between him and those inside the house.Tevin HamerThe relative explained that it was at this point that Hamer “pull the blind and Oudit chop him.” The woman added that the alleged perpetrator was armed with two cutlasses and during the scuffle, Hamer managed to get a hold of the other weapon resulting in Thom receiving injuries.Police from the Fort Wellington station were alerted and, after arriving at the scene transported the injured Thom to the Fort Wellington hospital; where Hamer was also taken by a family member. Both were subsequently transferred to the GPHC.

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