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發表於 2018-2-15 07:13:21 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The USS Kearsarge yesterday donated some US$275,000 worth of medical supplies and equipment to the Ministry of Health.The presentation ceremony took place at the New Guyana Pharmaceutical Corporation (GPC) at Farm, East Bank Demerara.Accepting the donations on behalf of the ministry,Cheap Soccer Jerseys, Minister within the Ministry of Health, Dr. Bheri Ramsarran,Nike Roshe Run Online Shop, was grateful for the contribution.He promised that the supplies will be used for the full benefit of Guyanese.Dr. Christopher Truss, MD attached to the U.S Embassy and Project Hope, said that the organisation is deeply honoured to be a part of something so meaningful that will most benefit those in the remote areas, such as the village of Santa Rosa which has more that 200 cases of cataract patients currently seeking medical assistance for eye and other medical problems.He stated that Project Hope currently has volunteers located at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) as well as in the community of Linden.He pointed out that the U.S. has sent one of its best neurologists on this medical trip to Guyana.And,Cheap NFL Jerseys, so far,Nike Roshe Run For Cheap, Project Hope has had 16 patients,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, some of whom have been successfully operated on.Surgeries completed at the GPHC so far are primarily cases of prostate ailments which have built up at the institution.He pointed out that some of these cases are on a waiting list to be sent to Cuba for further medical assistance. Dr. Truss also noted that he is impressed with the functionality of the staff of the (GPHC),Cheap NFL Jerseys China, and that Project Hope will ensure that it renders full assistance to prolong this meaningful venture.Minister Ramsarran assured that the medical supplies and equipment donated by Project Hope will benefit patients in Region One.He added that his ministry hopes to send a specialist to Regions One and Ten in December.According to the minister, eye specialists from his ministry will be dispatched to Linden from November 24 to November 29 to treat cases there,Air Max Zero Be True, while related personnel will be in Region One from December 2 to December 10 to continue work already started by the Project Hope representatives.The Kearsarge representatives and the minister expressed gratitude over the joint collaboration between the two health entities, and expressed the hope that it will benefit Guyanese greatly.(Lashana Gomes)

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