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[Xbox 360] Jerseys Cheap Wholesale s budgetary estimate is US$6M









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發表於 2018-2-15 09:10:44 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– reveals own US$6M budgetary estimateA Partnership For Unity (APNU) has signaled its intentions to raise complaints about what it considers is unfair election campaign spending and ineffective laws, with the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) and international observers.The five-party coalition also yesterday slammed the ‘Day of Appreciation’ scheduled for today at the National Stadium, Providence,Wholesale Jerseys Online, as an electioneering campaign gimmick.APNU also disclosed that it has budgeted US$6M for campaigning but stressed that it will be a lean campaign,Adidas Ultra Boost Shoes Cheap, definitely not on the same level as that of the ruling People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C).APNU’s officials during the press conference yesterday. From left: Lance Carberry, Rupert Roopnaraine, David Granger and Joseph Harmon.According to APNU’s Campaign Director,China Jerseys Cheap, Joe Harmon, during a press conference yesterday at the group’s Regent Street campaign office, the country’s youths,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, while attracted to the glitz and glamour that will surely come with the PPP/C campaign, are no fools and will make the right decisions on key issues such as jobs.Also there yesterday were APNU’s Presidential Candidate David Granger, Dr. Rupert Roopnaraine and Lance Carberry.Questioned whether the APNU’s visibility could not have been more, Roopnaraine insisted that APNU is deeply entrenched in the fields, meeting with Guyanese voters and also concentrating on training observers and workers. He admitted that there may be credence to the feeling that APNU may not be so visible, but all this will change in coming weeks.Granger blamed this on “maybe not enough press coverage” but said that intense works have been done by the party in several hinterland areas and all across Guyana.Overseas, APNU has also been working with groups and contacts,Buy Cheap Nike Air Max Shoes, and it was emphasised that “the message is getting out there that it is time for a change”.According to Harmon, the party’s budgetary estimate is US$6M,NFL Jerseys Cheap, and the focus will be on going from door to door to raise awareness.Roopnaraine signaled APNU’s unhappiness with the obvious “bribery” by the ruling PPP/C and pointed to rigid rules in more developed countries that restrict ruling parties from spending monies in a certain manner. He opined that the current election campaigning laws were inappropriate.Regarding the spending power of the PPP/C, APNU felt that the ruling party can and will be outspending them “100 to 1”.The Day of Appreciation for President Jagdeo was also not spared by APNU yesterday, with Granger claiming that the PPP/C was using state monies to cover up embarrassment from the ‘WikiLeaks’ cables which spoke of the US’ impressions of Guyana during specific incidents and on particular issues.The organizers had dispelled this notion, saying it was being paid for by private organizations and businesses.The use of the state resources include the state owned television and radio stations and of using the army for parachuting, both APNU and the Alliance For Change have contended within recent days.

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