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發表於 2018-2-15 23:11:29 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Merely weeks, subsequent to President Bharrat Jagdeo’s announcement of his government’s intention to forge ahead with plans to hold local government elections, the Media Monitoring Unit has beefed up its capacity with the appointment of Mr. Jainarine Deonauth as the Deputy Head of the Guyana Elections Commission Media Monitoring Unit (GECMMU).Jainarine Deonauth A resident of Parika, East Bank Essequibo, and former Manager of the monitoring unit, Mr Deonauth brings a wealth of experience to the post.He started his career in 1997 as a teacher within the Ministry of Education and subsequently read for a Diploma in Public Communications at the University of Guyana in 1999.Upon graduating, he undertook a short work attachment with the CARICOM Secretariat in the Office of the Secretary-General.In 2003, Mr. Deonauth won an Indian Government Scholarship to pursue special training in Development and International Journalism at the Indian Institute of Mass Communication (IIMC) in New Delhi, India.Subsequently, in 2005, he participated in the summer training programme in Peace Building and Conflict Resolution at the American University, School of International Service, in Washington DC.He recently returned from the University of Westminster, London, England, after procuring a Master of Arts Degree in Communications with an overall credit pass.Mr Jainarine’s previous tenure as a manager at the MMU has prepared him for the new dispensation and the many challenges that lie ahead. He said that he is hardly daunted by the task.Being cognizant of the tremendous workload ahead, the Deputy Head of MMU intends to forge a better relationship with the media since in his estimation the media are an essential element in building democracy in Guyana.He said that his organisation ought not to be viewed as another regulatory body that controls the media, but as an active partner in raising professional media standards.He also noted that the media is a very important stakeholder as it ensures checks and balances as well as provide the means by which citizens are informed of the activities in institutions such as his.“It is for this reason that the media should strive to provide full balanced and accurate coverage of the political, social and economic situation as well as other important issues affecting the society,” Deonauth implored.He also feels that responsible journalism strengthens the democratic process. “A democratic society can only be strengthened by the vibrancy of the media, acting in the interest of, and on behalf of all stakeholders, especially the ordinary citizens,” he emphasized.Mr Deonauth assured that he has a competent staff and stated that they are quite capable of carrying out their respective mandate.“Even so,Cheap Nike Air Max 90 Essential, it is very important that we create that bond with the media fraternity in keeping the nation informed of our activities leading up to Local Government, as well as other elections,” he said.The MMU also plans to organise training workshops for media practitioners on proper coverage and reporting of elections related matters.“I am very concerned that many citizens are unaware of the intricacies of the electoral process,” Deonauth said.He pointed out that the media, being the appropriate and most viable agent, is an integral stakeholder in addressing such issues.“The media would be required to play a more meaningful role in educating citizens about the electoral processes. It must clarify issues on the purpose of the elections, the political parties and candidates contesting the elections as well as their policies and how these policies affect the citizens and the country as a whole,” Deonauth pointed out.Quizzed on the preparatory works for the local government election, Deonauth said, “Currently we are employing moral suasion tactics to enlist the cooperation of media houses in the inculcation of key elements of professional reporting.”He said that he is heartened by the initial responses, gauged by the feedback received so far. He said that this development suggests that the various media houses and practitioners are willing to cooperate with his organization.“This is very encouraging and paves the way for harmonious relations and the subsequent successful staging of the impending local government, as well as other future elections,” Deonauth concluded.The Unit is currently headed by Mr. Remington Eastman and operates with a staff of 11 trained Media Monitors.Funding for activities is done by International Donor partners in Guyana through the United Nations Development Programme.

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