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發表於 2018-2-16 08:36:30 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The Jets are also hoping to not lose a franchise-record ninth straight game when they play the Pittsburgh Steelers at MetLife Stadium on Sunday
"It's just like kick a man while he's down, all right, we understand that," Vick said. "People do that. Some people want to see other people suffer. I think at the end of the day, we all have a job to do, we are all professionals, and some things don't go right."
Vick added that his teammates did a good job of maintaining their focus,Cheap Jerseys China.
FLORHAM PARK, N.J. (AP) — Frustrated Jets fans have taken to the air to vent.
"I saw the team down there and,Austin Hooper Falcons Jersey, to be honest, I kind of felt bad for them because they're having such a bad year," said Chalmers, who piloted the plane out of Central Jersey Airport. "I didn't realize how big this would become and I'm kind of stunned."

Idzik, in his second season as the Jets' GM, has been highly criticized as the team is off to a terrible start that includes eight straight losses. He gave a state-of-the-team address last week, in which he opened with a 19-minute statement that included Idzik taking responsibility for the Jets' situation, but he also rambled at times without definitively stating how the team would turn things around.
Chalmers' company often flies banners with either corporate advertising or personal messages — "Will You Marry Me?" — over sporting events and beaches, but it was the first time it had one fly over the Jets' practice facility.
A plane with a banner urging the team to fire John Idzik circled several times above the practice field for about 20 minutes Wednesday as the players went through drills while New York's embattled general manager watched.
Chalmers added that there's "absolutely a chance" the banner will fly again Sunday over MetLife Stadium for the Jets' game against the Pittsburgh Steelers.
Ashley Chalmers, owner of Jersey Shore Aerial Advertising, told The Associated Press that his company flew the banner over the facility under a subcontract from another company and it cost a "frustrated fan" — identified only as a female — less than $1,000.
"That was a first," quarterback Michael Vick said after practice. "I think that was a bit extreme. That money that was spent on that jet fuel could have been given to some type of charity. Believe me,Wholesale China Jerseys, there are people out here in the world that need it."
"I just think some of this is a little over the top," Ryan said.
Among their gripes are the lack of depth at cornerback, failed draft picks — only five of the 12 from last May are on the active roster — and the failure of Geno Smith to prove himself as a franchise-type quarterback.
Ryan said the banner "maybe a little" crossed the line,Discount Nike Air Force One Shoes, in his opinion,Sale NFL Jerseys, but added that the fans have the right to do whatever they want. The coach added that Idzik is "tough," when asked about the GM's reaction.
"It's annoying,Air Max 97 Silver Bullet 2018," Vick said. "You see that and you're out there trying to practice and put everything into practice and all of your efforts and then you see something that becomes a distraction.
Ryan has been on the hot seat all season, his sixth with the team, but there's also growing sentiment among fans that Idzik should also be fired with the Jets likely to miss the postseason for the fourth straight year.
As it buzzed above, it appeared many players tried to ignore the plane after taking a quick glance — as Idzik stood on the sideline. Owner Woody Johnson was also attending practice, and was seen speaking with Idzik and Ryan at one point.
It's not the first highly publicized measure disgruntled fans have taken. The website FireJohnIdzik.com raised more than $10,000 last week to buy billboard space to further its cause.
Neither Idzik nor Johnson was available for comment.
The plane stopped circling shortly before the 30-minute period in which the media is allowed to attend practice.
That drew the ire of many Jets fans who have flooded sports talk shows and websites with their disappointment with how Idzik has handled things.
"Trust me, I get it," Ryan said after the 1-8 Jets practiced. "I know our fans are really frustrated. There's no doubt about it. Obviously, we're very frustrated. Everybody is. We want to win. I personally don't think it's appropriate. We're working our butts off — John, everybody — to find a way to win."
The banner — in red, 5-foot uppercase letters — read "FIRE JOHN IDZIK" as it flapped behind the small plane. The plane arrived minutes after the media got to practice as Jets players began stretching.
"Then, there's a whole bunch of negative thoughts that start going through your head and everybody's attention is up in the sky as opposed to the practice field."
"It wasn't something he was overly upset with," Ryan said. "I'm sure he wasn't pleased with it."
"I'm upset because, and I understand the billboard thing and all of that stuff out there, and then this," Ryan said, "even though I recognize the fans are in pain and we all want to win, but to place it on one person, I don't think it's fair."

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