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發表於 2018-2-17 03:44:29 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Irvin's centers are Maurice Pouncey of Pittsburgh and Jason Kelce of Philadelphia. He has fullback John Kuhn of Green Bay,Wholesale Football Jerseys, punter Pat McAfee of Indianapolis,Cheap China Jerseys, kicker Cody Parker of Philadelphia, special teams player Justin Bethel of Arizona and return specialist Devin Hester of Atlanta.
PHOENIX (AP) — The first 26 players were drafted by the two Pro Bowl teams Tuesday, with the remainder from more glamorous positions to be chosen in a televised event Wednesday night.
Irvin has fullback Marcel Reese of Oakland, punter Kevin Huber of Cincinnati, kicker Adam Vinatieri of Indianapolis, special teams player Darrell Stuckey of San Diego and return specialist Darren Sproles of Philadelphia.

Last year the NFL scrapped its NFC vs. AFC format and decided to have a pair of big names from the past pick sides,Cheap NFL Jerseys.
Among those chosen for Team Irvin were defensive tackles Aaron Donald of St. Louis, Sheldon Richardson of the New York Jets and Geno Atkins of Cincinnati. They join guards Zack Martin of Dallas,Nike Air Max 1 Ultra Flyknit Womens, Marshal Yanda of Baltimore and Kyle Long of Chicago, and centers Nick Mangold of the New York Jets and Travis Frederick of Dallas.
After an introductory news conference, Irvin and Carter drafted players from lower-profile positions — guards, centers, fullbacks, interior defensive linemen, placekickers, punters, special teams players,Brett Favre Falcons Jersey, and return specialists. The rest will be drafted in an event to be televised by the NFL Network on Wednesday night.
Because Irvin won a coin toss Tuesday, he got to select his co-captains first. But Carter got the first pick in Tuesday's draft and will have it on Wednesday, too.
The players were picked Tuesday after Dallas running back DeMarco Murray and Cleveland cornerback Joe Haden were selected co-captains for Michael Irvin's team. Houston defensive end J.J. Watt and Pittsburgh wide receiver Antonio Brown were chosen by Chris Carter as co-captains of his team.
Team Carter has Buffalo defensive tackles Marcell Dareus and Kyle Williams,Air Max 98 Gundam Price, and Dontari Poe of Kansas City, guards Mike Pouncey of Miami, Josh Sitton of Green Bay and Evan Mathis of Philadelphia.

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