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Wholesale NFL Jerseys China the statement said









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發表於 2018-2-17 05:25:02 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The management of the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) is refuting allegations that nurses employed at the institution are not afforded the necessary protective  gears to undertaken their duties.In a statement issued yesterday the management highlighted plans to meet with all senior staff to address the aforementioned issue in addition to other concerns with which the general nursing staff may be facing.The statement followed on the heels of a media report detailing some disturbing concerns purportedly exposed by a nurse of the said institution how they are made to work under unhealthy conditions on a consistent basis.According to the statement as it relates to reports that “nurses do not have the prerequisite protective wear and that they are made to work without; it must be categorically stated that this statement is totally untrue.”The hospital asserted that there is currently and customarily an adequate and readily available stock of garments including gowns, gloves,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, hand sanitizers, face masks (for both patients and staff), inter alia,Wholesale Jerseys 2018, for use in the wards, particularly the Infectious Disease Ward (IDW), about which this allegation was primarily made.The nurse’s statement regarding her susceptibility to the Tuberculosis Infection due to her Asthmatic condition is misleading and misinformed, the management noted. It was noted that during a lengthy discussion with the GMO assigned to the Ward,Cheap NFL Jerseys Store, it was understood that there is no increased risk for persons suffering with asthma, for he as well as the Ward Manager are both asthmatic cases and have been performing their duties commendably, and for a number of years.“It is most critical to highlight the fact that this nurse has never worked on the aforementioned ward; she has continually refused to be re-assigned and fulfill her functions as a Nursing Assistant,Bryan Bickell Jersey,” it was highlighted.Moreover,Nike Huarache Shoes For Sale, this individual has been counseled and advised; however, her choice of action, the statement said, was to produce recurrent sick leave and absent herself from duties, a clear indication that she was unwilling to work on the ward.The nurse’s actions it was noted, reeked of discrimination towards the patients of IDW; a practice that is not condoned by the management of the hospital. Furthermore, it was revealed that it is the hospital’s protocol to have every nurse rotated to the various wards or units so as to ensure that they all are rounded and familiar with the cases that present themselves in every ward/unit.“It would be an act of favoritism if a nurse was allowed to choose the Ward on which he/she likes/prefers. What would happen to our more vulnerable patients?”Moreover, the statement added that it is unfortunate that the staff would use the media as an avenue to vent her supposed frustration instead of taking her issue(s) to the hospital’s Administration or the Nurses’ Union, a more professional and advised course of action.It was noted that management intends to meet with all senior staff to address this issue in addition to other concerns with which the general nursing staff may be faced,Wholesale Jerseys China, before any further statements are made concerning the issue at hand.

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