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發表於 2018-2-17 08:25:02 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– Guyana experiencing decrease in all types of accidentsThe Acting Commissioner of Police, David Ramnarine, has declared that Operation Safeway is here to stay despite the criticism that the measure is going to fail like the other operations that were implemented in the past.Acting Commissioner of Police, David Ramnarine,Cheap Jerseys For Sale, is seen here speaking at the conference yesterday in the presence of the Traffic Chief, Dion Moore, and some of the Divisional Traffic Commanders yesterday at Eve Leary, Georgetown.“From the evidence so far,Adidas Nmd Pink Shoes, Safeway hasn’t failed, isn’t failing and will not fail… Operation Safeway will not be just another Traffic Campaign.” he said.He added that the traffic situation remains one where the prevention and enforcement have to be continuously juxtaposed and buttressed by education.Reduction in all types of accidents“We have seen a reduction in all types of accidents since the launch of Operation Safeway and all parties— the Guyana Police Force (GPF) in particular the Traffic Department, the commuting public and all other key stakeholders, must be applauded.”Ramnarine added that Operation Safeway could not have come at a more opportune moment.However, he posited that with revision of strategies,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, availability and increased use of human and other resources, and sustained oversight from Police Headquarters, Divisional Commanders and the Traffic Chief, Dion Moore himself, much more is achievable.The Acting Commissioner stated that prior to Operation Safeway, Guyana was experiencing a 33 percent increase in fatal accidents across the country and a 17 percent increase in deaths but as of September 28, there is a reduction.The 33 percent increase in fatal accidents has reduced to 18 percent and the 17 percent increase in deaths, is now at nine percent.Ramnarine said that during Operation Safeway, the GPF has recorded thus far, some 1002 speeding cases.“Since Operation Safeway,Wholesale Jerseys From China, 1206 random breathalyser tests were done throughout the country, 184 persons were found to be above the prescribed limit of 15 percent. At least 103 were fined and 81 are pending. Of the 1206 random tests, 1104 were done at nights with 123 found above the limit or 16 percent.“In terms of the total number of cases made, including speeding, driving under the influence,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, we have a total of 2977 made under operation Safeway.“I believe it is time to thank the commuting public in particular for their patience,Cheap Jerseys USA, understanding and contributions to road safety and this must continue,” Ramnarine said.Meanwhile, with regards to enforcement of other laws and enforcements under the Motor Vehicle Traffic Act, from January 1 to September 27, last, some 25 drivers were charged with failure to adhere to sirens of which 16 were fined; of the 543 vehicle operators caught using cellular devices while driving, 304 were fined; 2091 drivers who would have breach of the Road Service Licence regarding loud music in minibuses resulted in 1157 drivers being fined; 272 with breach of the tint regulations of which 108 were fined; and 578 drivers of the 887 caught breaching the traffic lights, were fined.During his previous interaction with the media, Ramnarine alluded to the involvement of Private Motor Cars in fatal accidents. He reported, yesterday, that 270 private motorcar operators were charged. Some 125 have been fined to date.CCTV CamerasOf the 120-plus cameras that are being monitored at the CCTV domain at CID Headquarters, for the period January 1 to September 24, some 975 violations were observed of which 947 relates to traffic offences of which 758 were put on discs and 253 were made into cases from that activity.As it relates to driving under the influence, from January 1 to September this year, 1351drivers were charged of which 756 or 55 percent were fined. In addition, two drivers were suspended for one year,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, 17 cases were struck out and four were reprimanded and discharged, Ramnarine said.

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