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Wholesale Jerseys Cheap two SUV’s pulled up outside Hinds’ home









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發表於 2018-2-17 09:38:38 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– Abdulla being questioned about ‘a murder and another matter’,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, says Crime ChiefSelf-confessed death squad member Shawn Hinds is once again in custody, while police continue toCourtney Crum-Ewingquestion former Office of the President employee, Jason Abdulla, about the killing of political activist Courtney Crum-Ewing.Crime Chief Wendell Blanhum confirmed yesterday that Hinds has been detained and that Abdulla, held Monday, is still in custody. He revealed that Abdulla, a PPP member, was detained “in connection with a murder and another matter,” but declined to give further details.Blanhum also declined to divulge the reason for Hinds’ arrest.According to reports,Wholesale Jerseys, just after 05:00 hrs yesterday, two SUV’s pulled up outside Hinds’ home, minutes he had returned from his morning run. He was subsequently taken into custody.One eyewitness said that the team that visited Hinds’ home included two men who appeared to be foreigners. This was confirmed by a neighbour, as well as one of Hinds’ colleagues who witnessed the arrest.The man said that Hinds was advised that he was needed at the CID Headquarters.Hinds,Wholesale Cheap Jerseys,  a controversial figure, has been detained several times over the years in connection with aJason Abdullanumber of high-profile cases.He was charged in 2014, along with Ashton King and Mark ‘Kerzorkee’ Thomas,Cheap Jerseys Free, with the murder of Shafeek Bacchus, who was gunned down outside his Princes Street home.The matter was eventually dismissed. He was also a bodyguard for former Town Clerk Carol Sooba.Hinds had recently admitted to being a member of a ‘death squad,’ which he claimed took orders from former policeman Axel Williams, who was slain in Bel Air Park.In relation to Abdulla’s arrest, a release issued on Monday by the Opposition People’s Progressive Party stated that police ranks took Abdulla into custody “for unknown reasons.”The statement claimed that he was taken into custody at CID Headquarters, Eve Leary and “is being moved around suspiciously.”“A lawyer representing the interest of the employee was told by the police that the officers who arrested him had left the station and that no further information was available. The latest information is that he may have been taken to the Grove/Diamond Police Station,” the statement added.The statement alleged that police ranks had tried to arrest Abdulla during a recent picket exercise in front of the office of the Chairman of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM), Kingston, but subsequently retreated.“This development reinforces the suspicion of a carefully orchestrated diabolic plan by those inShawn Hindsauthority to target and harass people associated with the PPP. This vicious ongoing political witch-hunt is a serious cause for concern, especially since the police are being used to carry out these despicable acts,” the statement concluded.Courtney Crum-Ewing was gunned down in Diamond New Scheme,Air Max 1 Atmos, East Bank Demerara in March 2015, while using a bull-horn to urge residents to vote for the APNU/AFC Coalition.Seven months later,NFL Jerseys 2018, police arrested and charged 37-year-old Regan Rodrigues of Riverview, Ruimveldt, for Crum Ewing’s murder.

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