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[平板電腦] Cheap Jerseys who has just released an album with his new band LOVE & DEATH









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發表於 2016-12-29 15:20:01 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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KORN will reunite with founding guitarist Brian "Head" Welch for several festival shows this summer, including two dates in Germany, one concert in the United Kingdom and at the upcoming Rock On The Range festival in Columbus, Ohio.Speaking on the red carpet of the Warner Music Group Grammy Celebration Presented By Mini on February 10 in Los Angeles, Welch said: "I just joined [KORN] back. It's been eight years. So I guess absence makes the hearts grow fonder."Welch joined KORN onstage for the song "Blind" last May at the Carolina Rebellion festival in Rockingham,Nike Giants #74 Geoff Schwartz White Mens Stitched NFL Elite Jersey, North Carolina,China Jerseys NFL, marking the first time in eight years that KORN played with Welch.Welch, who has just released an album with his new band LOVE & DEATH,Royals #13 Salvador Perez New Grey Cool Base Stitched MLB Jersey, tells RollingStone.com that a setlist for the KORN shows hasn't been discussed yet but that he wouldn't be opposed to playing one of the early KORN albums in its entirety."I think that would be kind of cool to do somewhere, sometime," he said. "Like the very first [1994's KORN debut]. We're all in different places, so we're all just going to get together and talk about set lists. Obviously, all the hard-hitting,76ers #3 Allen Iverson White Bethel High School Stitched NBA Jersey, energetic classics, where people lose their mind — those will definitely be there. Because those are the funnest ones to play."According to Welch,Cheap Custom China Jerseys, the feedback he has received from KORN fans thus far has been overwhelmingly positive. "Everyone is broken in this world. There's so much divorce, hate and unforgiveness. For people to see this, I think it's just really uplifting,Blackhawks #35 Tony Esposito White CCM Throwback Stitched NHL Jersey," he said. "I never thought it would happen, and I'm not sure they did either. The fans just love it, because a lot of the fans back in the day were like, suicidal,Authentic China Jerseys, and from broken homes and abuse. They looked up to us like their family. And to see their family split up was hard on them. To get it put back together, there is a joy around the people who care about it."The guitarist also doesn't rule out the possibility of a full U.S. tour with  KORN or a collaboration on the band's next studio album. "We're going slow," Welch said. "We're hanging out when I've got time, but I've got my album out, and they're busy doing their stuff. But I'd say anything is possible right now."Welch left KORN in 2005 to become a born-again Christian. The band never officially replaced him and stayed a four-piece,Cheap Minnesota Timberwolves Jerseys, although they've used several touring guitarists for live work.Welch and bassist Reginald "Fieldy" Arvizu have said in interviews that a full reunion could be possible one day. KORN has been touring for much of the past year behind its 10th studio album,China Jerseys Online, "The Path Of Totality", but has also begun work on a new set of material.

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