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發表於 2018-2-17 17:42:36 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Asked if he had been dealing with an injury for a while, Rivers said: "If we told you every nick and knack we ever had, it would be a long list and things that you wouldn't want to hear about it. It wouldn't be worth reporting, that is for sure."
McCoy, who loathes talking about injuries, didn't offer specifics about Rivers.
Gates later backtracked,Cheap NFL Jerseys Supply, saying his comments had been taken out of context.
SAN DIEGO (AP) — Philip Rivers was listed on the San Diego Chargers' practice report Wednesday as having a chest injury.
McCoy refused to be specific when asked if it was a rib injury.
"No," McCoy said. "Philip was just like he is I said in the first answer I gave today. He took every snap in every week in practice just like the last 11 weeks."
Asked if Rivers received treatment for the chest injury, McCoy said: "He looked great out there. He'll be ready to go."
Rivers said he feels good. "Shoot, it's hard to play this position. You get banged up here and there. I feel as good as I can ask to feel at this point in the season."

Rivers took two hard shots in Sunday's victory against Oakland,Brian Poole Falcons Jersey UK, once having a player roll over a leg and then having the wind knocked out of him. Afterward, tight end Antonio Gates was praising Rivers' toughness when he let it slip that the quarterback has been dealing with "a very severe rib injury" for the last three or four weeks.
"Unfortunately, it was more made of than he intended it to be,Authentic Baltimore Ravens Jersey," Rivers said Wednesday when the Chargers began preparing for Sunday's home game against the St. Louis Rams. "As a buddy he was trying to give a compliment but it ended up, 'Oh,Blank Arsenal Jersey UK, what's the matter.' I can honestly say there is nothing going on hindering me in any way. It's part of playing the position and I will be fresh and ready to go on Sunday."
"It is a chest injury," McCoy said. "He had a great practice today like the last 11 weeks. He didn't miss a snap and had a great practice."
McCoy said Rivers was placed on the report because "there were certain things that happen during a game and he had to be put on there,Wholesale Cheap Jerseys."
Rivers was listed as a full participant and coach Mike McCoy said the quarterback will play Sunday against St. Louis.
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On Monday, McCoy said Rivers hadn't been treated for a rib injury.

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