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Wholesale Nike NFL Jerseys









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發表於 2018-2-17 19:02:54 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The league also announced plans to create a selection process for future draft sites. There was no commitment made to Chicago beyond 2016,Authentic Adidas Hockey Jerseys China, but the NFL says it will be considered for future drafts.
SCHAUMBURG, Ill. (AP) — Chicago is on the clock again.
The NFL draft is returning to the Windy City for the second straight year after a long run at Radio City Music Hall in New York. The location has not been finalized,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, but it will be near Grant Park and run from April 28-30.
The 2015 draft was held in the Auditorium Theatre of Roosevelt University,Wholesale China Jerseys. But O'Reilly said they are considering all options.

The draft also was held in Chicago in 1938, 1942-44, 1951,Cheap Jerseys From China, and 1962-64.
"The NFL draft is world-class event, and I'm proud they picked a world-class city like the city of Chicago," Mayor Rahm Emanuel said.
"We're thrilled. They have earned it," Commissioner Roger Goodell said Tuesday at the NFL owners' meetings. "The success that we've had last year set a new bar for the draft."
According to the league, more than 200,000 fans participated in draft-related events this year in Chicago. A study commissioned by the Chicago Sports Commission found the draft generated an economic impact of $81.6 million.
"It's about the national event," said Peter O'Reilly,Wholesale Jerseys, the NFL's senior vice president of events. "It wasn't,Air Max Shoes For Sale, as we know, just Chicagoans coming here to Grant Park. There were people, every team was represented here. Again, the entire country started to converge on the heartland of football here."
The league was believed to be considering Los Angeles, but this year's draft in Chicago and "Draft Town" — an NFL-themed party at Grant Park — drew huge crowds, impressing the league. Chicago also is centrally located for fans of several teams, adding to the attraction for the NFL.

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