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發表於 2018-2-17 19:03:49 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Police have detained a suspect in connection with last Thursday’s attack at the Wismar Hospital,Wholesale Jerseys, and are also questioning a nurses’ aide who harboured him at her home.The suspect,NFL Jerseys Wholesale, known as ‘Piggy’, was arrested yesterday morning at the nurses’ aide’s home in Amelia’s Ward, Linden.A source said that the nurses’ aide was arrested several hours later. She was reportedly seconded to the Mackenzie Hospital and is said to be a close acquaintance of the suspect.Police also allege that ‘Piggy’ had relieved a woman of three cell phones and stolen a man’s bicycle after holding them at gunpoint at Christianburg last Friday.Kaieteur News understands that the suspect admitted that he used a toy gun to carry out the Christianburg robberies.However, he denied being involved in the attack on the two nurses. The bandits in that attack were reportedly both masked.Meanwhile, police are still trying to locate the other suspect, who was shot on Friday during a confrontation with a businessman at One Mile, Wismar.The man,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, who has two court cases pending for sexual attacks on women,China Jerseys Wholesale, was wounded by businessman Philip Fordyce, who has a licensed firearm.But the injured man managed to scale Fordyce’s front fence and escape,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, leaving a trail of blood in the yard.Police officials say that the suspect was charged in 2007 in connection with two women who were attacked in their homes. One of the women managed to wound the intruder, and the suspect was arrested after he was found with a similar injury.However, he reportedly was granted bail on the two charges,Cheap NFL Jerseys 2018, as well as on a third charge regarding the theft of a firearm.The two nurses were held at gunpoint and robbed, at around 01:30 hrs on Thursday,Cheap Jerseys Wholesale, by two men who invaded the compound.At the time, the hospital was being guarded by unarmed female security staffers.Health officials promised that security at the institution would be tightened.The nurses have also asked for special protection heading home after night duty.

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