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發表於 2018-2-18 02:24:46 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — Defensive tackle Art Jones was placed on injured reserve and the Indianapolis Colts released 21 players to get to the NFL's 53-man roster limit on Saturday,Brett Favre Falcons Jersey UK.
Also cut by the Colts were wide receivers Vincent Brown and Duron Carter, the son of Hall of Fame receiver Cris Carter. Brown had five receptions for 58 yards for the Colts in the preseason.
Carter was signed by the Colts in February after leading the CFL's Montreal Alouettes with 75 receptions,China Jerseys Cheap, seven touchdowns and 1,Nike Air Max 97 Silver Bullet Australia,030 yards. He completed his preseason stint in Indianapolis with nine receptions for 126 yards.
His nine catches led all Indianapolis receivers in the preseason, but with Andre Johnson having been signed in the offseason and Phillip Dorsett drafted to replace Reggie Wayne,Air Max 97 For Sale, the wide receiver position became one of the deepest for Indianapolis.
Inside linebacker Junior Sylvestre also was placed on IR. But it's the loss of Jones that could prove costly for Indianapolis. Signed by the Colts in March 2014, Jones has had ankle injuries in his first two seasons in Indianapolis.
It's the second straight season Jones has had an ankle injury. He suffered an ankle injury in Week 2 last season and missed the next five games. Jones did play in the final nine games for the Colts,Marshon Lattimore Jersey, including starting the Colts three playoff games.
Another notable cut made by the Colts was nose tackle Josh Chapman. Indianapolis drafted Chapman in 2012 and he played in 29 games for the Colts.

He was expected to be a key defensive piece as one of the better run-stoppers on the Colts. If the Colts expect to make a Super Bowl run, they'll have to do it without Jones. He suffered the high-ankle sprain that will sideline him for the season on the opening snap of the Colts' 24-14 preseason win over St. Louis on Aug. 29.
In 2014,Wholesale Jerseys, he started 15 games, including all three postseason games for Indianapolis.

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