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[原創音樂] China NFL Jerseys Even after death









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發表於 2018-2-18 03:14:50 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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…Vigil to be held in G/TToday marks one year since activist, Courtney Crum-Ewing was assassinated.Courtney Crum-Ewing during one of his protests.A vigil is scheduled to be held at the corner of Middle and Carmichael Streets, Georgetown,Air Max 90 Black And White For Sale, from 11:30hrs to 13:30hrs today.Many would remember Crum-Ewing as the lone protester braving sun, rain and storm as he stood outside of the then Attorney General,Jerseys Wholesale, Anil Nandlall’s Chambers on Carmichael Street, Georgetown.Some would also remember serving alongside him in the Guyana Defence Force (GDF) in the early nineties.But what made him so special? Why was he so loved? Even after death?Simply because Crum-Ewing, was a man of action and possessed the courage and determination to stand up to what he felt was right – right not only for himself, but for the country he loved, our Dear Land of Guyana.He singlehandedly reminded each and every Guyanese that no one – regardless of class, colour or creed, was above the law and to some; this was a hard morsel to swallow.In fact, it had just begun to digest when he was gunned down on March 1o last year in the Diamond Housing Scheme, metres away from his home while he was calling on residents to come out and vote in the May 11, 2015 General Elections.This heinous act quickly sent ripples through every fabric of our Guyanese populace and soon after,Cheap Jerseys USA, the outcries began.The judicial system is currently handling the matter where several “high-ranking” suspects have popped up. But for some reason, the file has not gone to either the Director of Public Prosecutions or to the Police Legal Adviser. Neither has ever seen the file although there were reports of the police being close to wrapping up the case.Courtney Crum-Ewing’s mother,Nike Air Max Outlet Store, Donna Harcourt (left) and his Step-father, Eustace Harcourt.Meanwhile, the past year has proven to be very difficult for the family members who had felt the full brunt of his passing. They hope that justice will be served so that closure is obtained.“We are trying to be patient; we know that these things take time, but it would be hurtful if nothing came out of it,” Crum-Ewing’s step-father, Eustace Harcourt,China Jerseys Wholesale, told Kaieteur News in a recent interview.Crum-Ewing’s mother, Donna Harcourt, said that the family will be spending the day indoors with relatives as they reflect on times passed.“His room is just how he left it, we haven’t changed anything. It has been a rough year for us. His daughters are well. His sisters though,Cheap NFL Jerseys, they’re still in grief. They sometimes don’t want to talk about it”

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