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發表於 2018-2-18 06:03:34 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Murder accused Davendra Hansraj, called ‘Dog man’ 43, a boat captain of 17 Grant 1780,Wholesale Jerseys China, Crabwood Creek,Accused: Davendra Hansraj called ‘Dog man’Corentyne,Wholesale NFL Jerseys China, Berbice was on Tuesday remanded to jail by Magistrate Caroline Artiga, when he appeared before her at the Mibicuri Magistrate’s court on the capital charge of murder.Hansraj is accused of murdering his reputed wife Mohanranie Udaray called ‘Sherry’,NFL Jerseys Store, 28, a mother of one.The woman was found lying with her face down in a pool of blood with a gaping wound to her neck (which passed through her body), after she was allegedly involved in an argument with the man. She was in an unconscious state at the time.Udaray, who hailed from the Black Bush Polder area, had been living with the man, who is a boat captain on one of the small boats that plies the Corentyne River to Suriname,Wholesale Jerseys, for over two years.The couple had lived in the upper flat of a two-storey house.The woman had gone to Georgetown to conduct some business for her daughter Riya,Jerseys Cheap, and to take her to the US Embassy. It was that visit that reportedly led to the argument.It was upon her returned that the argument erupted. The child did not sleep at home on the night in question, but went to her biological father’s home where she stayed.The man who was on the run for close to three weeks was nabbed in a house where he was hiding out at in a lonely area at Moleson Creek,Air Max Zero Be True, Upper Corentyne.A post mortem examination performed on the woman’s body, by Dr. Vivekanand Bridgemohan, at the Skeldon Hospital, showed that she died from asphyxiation, lack of oxygen due to blood in her lungs and a stab wound to the neck.The accused was unrepresented and not required to plead.His next court appearance was set for February 5th at the Springlands Magistrate’s Court.The matter is being prosecuted by Sergeant Althea Solomon.

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