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發表於 2018-2-18 08:29:09 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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Popular Calypsonian Derrick Mangal well known as ‘Bright Colours’ is angry with officials at a public health facility for refusing to give him medication for his Tuberculosis because he declined to take an HIV/AIDS test.Mangal, who claimed that he has been suffering from TB for the past five years, said that last week  officials at the public clinic demanded that he take the test before he can be given any treatment, although he has been an “on and off member of the clinic”,Wholesale NBA Jerseys, which is housed in the compound of the GPHC.Speaking with this newspaper, Mangal said that he had been treated for the condition in the past but he stopped attending the clinic after his condition improved.However, his condition took a turn for the worse last week when he began coughing excessively, forcing him to return to the clinic to receive treatment.He said that a sputum test and an x-ray were done and it revealed that his condition had reached crisis stage.“According to the doctor,Wholesale Air Max Tn, it (x-ray) looked very, very bad and the sputum test showed that I had category four,Wholesale China Jerseys, to how I understand it,” Mangal said.He claims he was then advised to take an HIV test, but refused, claiming that he already knows his status since he had been tested five times in the past five years.“I know my status a long time ago. I was frequent at the GUM (Genito-Urinary Medicine) clinic taking HIV tests. And besides I am a one partner person and I trust my woman and my woman trust me, I don’t go with other parties. I am even scared of putting on a condom,” Mangal told this newspaper.He said that after stating his position to the authorities at the clinic, they refused to give him any treatment,Cheap Authentic Jerseys, despite the acuteness of his condition.The recording artiste said that he is aware that HIV testing is voluntary and cannot understand why the clinic would refuse to give him any treatment for his tuberculosis.“I find it very strange. Nobody is supposed to be refused treatment for any ailment simply because they do not want to take an HIV test,Cheap NFL Jerseys,” a source at the health facility told this newspaper.Chief Executive Officer of the GPHC, Michael Khan, when contacted told this newspaper that some offices and clinics although housed in the hospital compound actually come under the purview of the Ministry of Health and not the GPHC.He said that the complainant will have to be more specific as to which clinic he attended so that a proper investigation can be carried out.As for Mangal,Wholesale China Jerseys, he has resorted to the use of local medicines since he is convinced that his speaking out will result in him being victimized.“If all the mothers in Guyana decided to refuse to be tested for HIV,Cheap Nike Air Max 90 Mens, will they refuse to deliver their babies?” Mangal asked.

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