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—But legal action still proceeding – UGSSA PresidentThe outcome of a meeting slated for tomorrow between Vice Chancellor, Professor Jacob Opadeyi, and University of Guyana staffers in the George Walcott Lecture Theatre (GWLT) is likely to determine the way forward at the tertiary institution.University workers during the past week engaged in industrial action in order to vocalise concerns about what they described as an unacceptable state of the University, which not only includes deplorable infrastructure but also the non-payment of various dues.Also, the workers have disclosed that they are unaware of the recently appointed Vice Chancellor’s plan to change the existing course of the tertiary institution.UGSSA President,Adidas Nmd Shoes For Sale, Dr Pat FrancisThis publication understands that the Vice Chancellor, who returned to Guyana,Wholesale Jerseys, yesterday, after a short visit overseas, has promised to meet with staff members as well as the University Workers’ Union (UGWU) to outline a plan intended to reverse the current “downhill” status of the University.According to President of the University of Guyana Senior Staff Association (UGSSA), Dr Pat Francis,Nike NFL Jerseys China, despite several picketing exercises, which even reached the lawns of the Ministry of Education, no action has been taken by any senior functionary to address their concerns.  “They all know the mood and the problems and so no one can plead ignorance about our situation here,” said Dr Francis yesterday in an invited comment to this publication.She asserted that it was because “we have made our point that we are going to hear what the Vice Chancellor has to say and hope that he comes good.”However, although the workers are prepared to hear Professor Opadeyi’s plans for the University, Dr Francis is convinced that no remedial action would be possible without Government’s intervention. “I don’t think he can do much; unless Government bails us out it will not be possible to do much,” Dr Francis noted.According to the UGSSA President,Jerseys NFL Cheap, it is her belief that Government would have already seen the importance of investing in activities at the University which would have by now yielded income. “None of this has happened so we are going forward creating more and more debt…”And even as the University workers await the meeting with the Vice Chancellor,Cheap Jerseys For Sale, Dr Francis disclosed that there are moves to proceed with a planned lawsuit against the University.At a recent press conference it was revealed that the more than 600 employees of the University were set to file a class action lawsuit over the non-payment of several mandatory contributions including NIS,Nike NFL Jerseys China, PAYE, Credit Union dues and Pension.The action was prompted by a disclosure from the University last month of its inability to pay wages and salaries on the stipulated due date.The lawsuit, which was filed in conjunction with the UGWU, will move apace, Dr Francis said,Wholesale Nike NFL Jerseys, since the University Administration did not heed an ultimatum to respond to questions about the extent of the arrears of the contributions by last Friday.“We have to move ahead with that (lawsuit) we will not wait until another salary is not paid.”

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