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發表於 2018-2-18 09:47:19 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Foles, a former third-round pick out of Arizona, has always known that's part of the deal.
The Rams were 6-10 last year and ended 2014 having played 25 consecutive games without Bradford, twice sidelined with season-ending left knee injuries. Austin Davis, who's competing with Case Keenum for the backup job, shared starting duties with Shawn Hill last season.
"It's what he's done on the field early in his career thus far in the league and what he's done for us since he's got here," Fisher said. "He gets the game,Andre Branch Dolphins Jersey, he understands it and he's got tremendous leadership qualities.
Foles was acquired from the Eagles after Bradford declined to take a big pay cut in the final year of a five-year deal worth nearly $80 million signed as the first overall pick of the 2010 draft, and Bradford will make $12.9 million this season for Philadelphia.
Of course,Nike Air Max 95, now the Rams want to see a lot more. They're trying to end a decade-long string of losing seasons heading into Fisher's fourth year.
Last year, Foles made eight starts and threw for 13 TDs with 10 interceptions.
The 26-year-old Foles seemed a lot more matter-of-fact when he stepped in front of the Rams backdrop minutes later. He said getting traded for Sam Bradford in the offseason was a lot more surprising than getting the extension, and added that had he entered the season without a new deal it wouldn't have affected him.
"He can settle in and now the players can rally around them and he can rally them and we'll go on and win a lot of games."
The Rams envision the player who had 27 touchdown passes and just two interceptions in a breakout 2013, the third-lowest interception percentage in NFL history, then was the 2014 Pro Bowl MVP.
Coach Jeff Fisher broke the news during post-practice remarks Friday at Lindenwood University, grinning at the end of a lengthy answer summing up a scrimmage Friday night that drew about 4,Nike Air Max 95 Sale,000 fans.
"Either way, I would have been me," Foles said. "I play for my teammates, I play for the people that support us, and my family. That would never change the way I play the game."
"I want to be all-in, I don't want to have to worry about contract issues or anything," Foles said. "To me,World Baseball Classic Jerseys Outlet, that can be selfish. I'm very fortunate to be here, I'm fortunate to have a contract."
Foles said earlier in camp that he left contract talks in care of his agent,Cheap Jerseys From China, David Dunn.
"Yeah, I think If I was him I'd have a lot of peace of mind right now," the coach said. "But you also know it's his baby now, this is his team, so we've got to go win games."
And, at the very least, Foles has some job security.

The parties have been talking since the start of training camp and got the deal done without seeing Foles, who missed the last half of last season with a broken collarbone, in a game situation.
The deal begins next season and calls for $24 million in salary over two years with about $14 million guaranteed, according to reports. He had been scheduled to make $1.5 million this season.
Together, those two had 20 touchdown passes and 16 interceptions.
"When you are a quarterback, you are one of the guys that everyone is going to look to automatically," Foles said. "But there's many leaders on this team that do a great job.
ST. CHARLES, Mo. (AP) — The St. Louis Rams quickly decided Nick Foles was their quarterback of the future, signing him to a two-year contract extension.
"Oh yeah,Paul Kariya Ducks Throwback Jersey, it's a good deal," Fisher said. "It's a good deal. It's a good deal for us, good deal for him. He wants to be here and we want him here right now. He's done a lot of good things for us in a short period of time."
"That's how you build a culture of a winning franchise. So I can't do it alone."

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