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[中一] Cheap Arizona Cardinals Hoodies pumps









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發表於 2018-2-18 17:06:38 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Government is responsible for the late delivery of several components of the drainage pumps from India by Surendra Engineering under a US$4 million contract inked two years ago, according to Agriculture Minister, Dr. Leslie Ramsammy.During a brief interview with media operatives yesterday the Minister said, “Six (pumps) are here. The other eight,Wholesale Jerseys USA, the engines are all delivered… that is the major part. The pump part was tested on the manufacturing side.”Agriculture Minister, Dr. Leslie RamsammyThe delivery of the pumps will be made possible with Government’s “go ahead”. With the onsite tests completed in India,NFL Jerseys Cheap, the pumps are expected to be delivered to Guyana by this month-end, depending on shipping arrangements.In April, the Minister said that tenders for the project were opened in Guyana and in India, with two companies submitting bids in 2011. However,Cheap Arizona Diamondbacks Hoodies, the contract only became operational in March 2012 and was expected to end one year later. It did not. Instead Government granted a one-month extension.However, Dr. Ramsammy said that the contractor is not responsible for not satisfying the one-month extension which was over a month ago.“They have been telling us they are ready to ship. We were late in going for the test and that is for various reasons, because I didn’t just want the Ministry’s engineer to go, so I had invited a private engineer to go.”According to Dr. Ramsammy,Cheap Jerseys From China, though it required fixing the trip to suit the private engineer’s schedule, it was important for him to be part of the team that went to India to inspect the pumps because of his previous knowledge of the pumps at the Dawa Pump Station.In addition,NFL Jerseys Supply, after the team returned from India it took the Ministry a couple of weeks to evaluate the test results before the “go ahead” to ship was finalised.When all the components for the drainage pumps arrive in Guyana, the contract with Surendra Engineering will conclude. Installation of the pumps at the various stations is the next step the Ministry is tasked with.Ramsammy noted that by August the Ministry is hoping to conclude installation. The contracts for the erection of pump houses have been awarded, with some already being constructed.Together with the assets of the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo), the country would be boasting a capacity of almost 100 pumps, inclusive of both fixed and mobile,Cheap Air Force 1, officials of the Agriculture Ministry had said last year.

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