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發表於 2018-2-18 19:28:51 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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By Ralph SeeramIf you want to know who your true friends are tell them you are moving and you “need a hand”. Suddenly they will have a bad back, not feeling well, or have another engagement that prevents them from coming to your assistance. This is truer in the U.S. It is even worse if they know you have a two-storey house or live on floors beyond the ground floor.Mind you, those same friends will turn out in “full force” if you invite them to a party, they will have no problem with that “bad back” winding down to the ground to soca.I once went to help a friend move to an apartment. When we arrived at the apartment complex I asked him where his apartment was. He raised his hands and pointed in a 45-degree angle; he was moving to the third floor in a building with no elevators. It was summer; the temperature was in the 90s. Since then I made it a point to ask what floor a friend is moving to. If it’s beyond the first floor, I would have a “bad back”, the truth is I do have a “bad back” and after a hernia operation a few years ago, I was restricted from lifting heavy weight.With the above in mind, when I moved into my two-storey townhouse recently, I decided to hire two “muscle” men to move, not depending on friends. Even then there could be problems. On my way to pick up the rental truck, one told me he has a sick brother and can’t come, the other sent a message that he is in jail. Fortunately I had a plan B— two back-ups that owed me money and were eager to work it off, and believe me, they earned the money in the 95 degrees heat that day.Now what does this have to do with President Donald Ramotar and the Hydro project? First he is seeing who his friends are in this Amaila flap. He is finding out that even your foes can be your friends if it suits their interests. The AFC came to his corner…the private sector also.It was very interesting to read three different versions of speeches at the recently held National Economic Forum. Kaieteur News headlined “World renowned scientist calls for full disclosure on Amaila” and subtitled “wants President to set up a task force to create a National Energy Policy”. Over at the Chronicle it was “Private sector and academic ‘bigwigs’ extol merits of Amaila project: – outline macroeconomic benefits to Guyanese”.At the Guyana Times, they had this “Guyana faces dark future without hydro” – research scientist. As you see, everybody has his agenda in this Hydro project and is exploiting it for personal interests. It took reading the three papers to fully understand what was said at the forum. That’s the problem with this Amaila Falls fiasco, everybody is pushing his agenda and interest, be it government or opposition.What is not adequately addressed is the interest of Guyanese as a whole and more specifically the interest of the electricity consumers who will be stuck with the repayment bill.The PPP has come out with statements to the effect that those taxpayers are only investing US$20M and have nothing to lose. As for that investment, the country would own the project in 20 years free and clear,Cheap NFL Jerseys, in addition to reduced rates and a huge saving in foreign exchanges due to reduced fuel imports. Here is the problem. Technically it is not costing the government; it is the electricity consumers through tariffs who will have to foot the bill.The opposition is questioning the cost of the project and the expected reduction in costs as well as the way the contract is structured.Don’t believe the nonsense from Sithe Global that they pulled out because APNU is not on board,Cheap NBA Jerseys Authentic, they realize the public is now aware of the unfavourable terms of the contract, unfavorable to Guyanese interest; they are aware that even if the opposition vote in favour then get in power they will revisit the contract, which repays them their money in five years,Nike Men Air Max 97, but they still receive interest for 15 more years.Look, all the stakeholders agree that the Amaila Falls project is in the best interest of Guyana. There is no question about it; there is complete consensus on that. What is needed is consensus on the terms of the contract, financing and implementation.In my last article, I suggested some sort of a commission to revisit the entire project. Professor Suresh Narine called for a National Task Force. The PPP must realize that it made some PR blunders in selling this project to the public. This is a massive project and should not have been kept in the dark for so long.Now is the time for President Ramotar to show statesmanship, now is the time for the President to show that he is President of all Guyana by establishing a National Task Force comprising all stakeholders,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, especially its critics. Let them come up with a solution; it’s a win-win situation for the President. A national consensus will inspire investor confidence; you will be able to arrange better financing terms. The Chinese are sitting on billions of dollars that they want to invest; they will be willing to take less than that 8.5% interest rate. After all they are lending already for far less.Mr. President the “ball is in your court”; the present contract is dead, not the project, now is the time for you to shine, take charge. You did not negotiate the present contract,Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys, but you have a great opportunity to put your stamp on a new one favourable to the Guyanese public, while leaving an indelible legacy. You will be surprised how many new friends you will have, if they have an opportunity to participate, do that and you won’t need any friends to move you,Nike Air Max Shoes Sale, next election.

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