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[IQ題] Wholesale Cheap Jerseys









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發表於 2018-2-18 20:16:05 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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"I'm not saying that Mo has to retire, oh my goodness," Ryan said, smiling. "We don't want that. That's not happening. We'll cut it off if we have to."
"I think if you're in a boot, that doesn't look good for this week,Wholesale NFL Jerseys China," Ryan said. "But hopefully we get him back as soon as we can. Obviously, we need him."
Defensive end Muhammad Wilkerson and tight end Jace Amaro could both miss the game because of injuries suffered in the Jets' 38-3 loss to the Buffalo Bills last Monday night.
Ryan ruled out a fracture, but said a turf toe injury could be "tricky." He added that former Baltimore offensive tackle Jonathan Ogden, a Hall of Famer,Cheap Jerseys Online, had to retire in 2008 because of it.
Tight end Chris Pantale could be promoted from the practice squad if Amaro is unavailable. Jeff Cumberland and Zach Sudfeld are the other tight ends on the Jets' active roster.
"I've been around and we've seen enough of those now to know that if you don't come back and you are still in that (protocol), it's probably not a great sign for this week," Ryan said. "But we'll see as it progresses."
Amaro,Authentic Jerseys China, who leads NFL rookie tight ends with 34 catches and 291 yards receiving,Cheap Jerseys Store, is still going through the NFL's concussion protocol. Ryan said he was uncertain whether Amaro had an actual concussion.

Wilkerson has a toe injury that coach Rex Ryan says is similar to turf toe and had the defensive star in a walking boot Wednesday. He was scheduled to have tests to determine the severity of the injury. Wilkerson was seen walking through the locker room with a significant limp during media availability, but he didn't speak to reporters.
Defensive lineman Sheldon Richardson didn't practice because of a sore back,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, but Ryan didn't seem concerned that it could affect his status for the game.
Wilkerson leads the team with 4½ sacks in his fourth season and is widely regarded as one of the NFL's top players at his position. Quinton Coples,Cheap Basketball Jerseys, who has played a hybrid linebacker-defensive end role, could see increased snaps on the defensive line if Wilkerson can't go.
FLORHAM PARK, N.J. (AP) — The New York Jets could be without two significant players when they take on the Miami Dolphins on Monday night.

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