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發表於 2018-2-18 21:36:10 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– nabbed with gun; two others held with bulletproof vests in Agricola raidCharged with murder at 15, Dellon Henry, called ‘Nasty Man’, is now back in the limelight as a prime suspect in another killing.Police arrested him yesterday during a raid in Agricola, and are now trying to establish whether he is the gunman who executed 36-year-old Dexter Griffith in ‘Warlock,’ East Ruimveldt last Tuesday.Police said that Henry, now 24, was held in Second Street, Agricola, with an unlicensed .38 revolver with six matching rounds, as well as with two .32 rounds.“The man,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, who is in police custody, was also wanted for questioning by the police in relation to the murder of Dexter Griffith who was shot and killed in ‘Warlock’ on September 29, 2015,” a release stated. Kaieteur news understands that detectives are awaiting ballistic tests on the firearm before questioning the suspect further.Executed: Dexter GriffithA police official said that two other men were taken into custody after being found with two bulletproof vests.‘Nasty Man’ first came into under the police radar at the age of 13, when he was charged and remanded for the August 8, 2006 murder of  businessman Wordsworth Grey, who was gunned down in Bagotstown, East Bank Demerara. The killing occurred in the height of the ‘crime wave’ and on the same night on which five Kaieteur News pressmen was slain in Eccles. In 2006, while still incarcerated, Henry was charged, along with Deon Braithwaite,Cheap China Jerseys Authentic, for allegedly sodomising another prisoner.Kaieteur News understands that Henry was only recently released from the Georgetown Prison and Kaieteur News was unable to ascertain the outcome of the two cases for which Henry was charged.Police had indicated last week that they were trying to locate Henry for questioning into the murder of Dexter Griffith, who was riddled with bullets last Tuesday night near his home in East Ruimveldt ‘Back Circle.’A police release had stated that Griffith was on the roadway at “Warlock”, when a man approached on foot and discharged several shots at him and escaped.Eyewitnesses said that Griffith was standing near an alleyway when gunmen shot him at close range, sending his body tumbling into a drain. He died almost immediately.WHAT NEXT? : Dexter Griffith’s reputed wife contemplates her future in the aftermath of his executionPolice had detained an East Ruimveldt man, known as ‘Gun-butt,’ who allegedly transported the gunman to the scene. This suspect has since been released on station bail.A brother of Griffith’s had said that he was informed that ‘Gun butt’ had dropped off the killers at ‘Front Circle’, East Ruimveldt on Tuesday night.The gunmen reportedly then walked through ‘the crack’ to ‘Back Circle’, East Ruimveldt, shot his brother, then fled to ‘Front Circle’, where the car, allegedly driven by ‘Gun Butt’, was waiting.He has alleged that the men behind his brother’s execution sent death threats to him and his mother.His sibling’s murder is said to be linked to a vendetta, which has claimed three lives, that is primarily between individuals from ‘Warlock’ and Agricola.According to the sibling, the vendetta started when Kellon Hinds, another East Ruimveldt resident, was shot and robbed of gold jewellery. That incident occurred in June 2004. Sherwyn Barrow, another East Ruimveldt resident,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, was charged in connection with the attack on Hinds.The matter was dismissed after the alleged victim declined to give evidence in court.But last May,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, Sherwyn Barrow was gunned down in broad daylight while sitting outside a shop in ‘Warlock’.In late August, police detained Kellon Hinds, in connection with Barrow’s death. Hours after police released him, gunmen walked into an East Ruimveldt yard in which he was hanging out and shot him dead. Shawn Barrow, a relative of the slain Sherwyn Barrow, was charged with Hinds’ murder.Griffith’s brother confirmed that his executed sibling and Hinds were close friends.Griffith’s slain brother had fathered four children, His eldest,NFL Jerseys Cheap, a girl, is 13,Kyrie Irving Jersey, while the others are aged five, two and one year respectively. Kellon Hind’s partner is also said to be a few months’ pregnant.

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