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With 832 persons making up the untried prison population, the Ministry of Home Affairs says it is heartened by the recent appointment of two temporary Magistrates, Dale Kingston and Judy Latchman, by the Judicial Service Commission.The Ministry is hopeful that,Cheap Jerseys, with these appointments, work towards the speedy conclusion of cases and the reduction of the number of persons being remanded will take place, thereby contributing to the alleviation of overcrowding in the Prison system.According to the Ministry, as of January 22, the untried prison population represented 36 per cent of the overall prison population of 2,099.Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee had earlier stated that a major factor in improving the criminal justice system is getting the courts to deal more speedily with remanded prisoners.According to Rohee, the rate at which persons are going into the system is far greater than that of those coming out.He said that improving the prison system cannot be separated from the criminal justice system.“There are too many persons on remand. The court system must be faster,Cheap NFL Jerseys Authentic,” Rohee said. Legislation was recently passed that makes it difficult for persons to be granted bail, and this is one of the main contributory factors influencing the increased remand population in the prison,” Rohee had stated.In addition, when the length of time taken to try interior cases is taken into account, the overcrowding situation at the country’s penal institutions is even more acute.The Prison Service was the recipient of a number of high profile prisoners who are products of gangs such as the one that belonged to Rondell Rawlins, called ‘Fine Man’, and other gangs, according to the Minister.He said that this development necessitated an increase in the security arrangements around the prisons, especially the main facility in Georgetown.“When the police intensify their enforcement activities, the number of persons on remand or serving custodial sentences would increase. This addition to the prison system would require more vigilance on the part of the Prison Service to ensure that the prisoners do not escape. We only have to look back a few years ago and realise what are the likely consequences of escapes from that institution,Nike Air Max 1 Mens Trainers,” the Minister explained.Figures released by the Ministry yesterday indicated that the number of remanded prisoners who have not had their cases heard from one to four years amounts to 752,Off White Nike Vapormax Release Date, while the number of convicted prisoners awaiting trail in the High Court between one to four years amounts to 103.Further,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, the Ministry added, the average number of prisoners attending court daily is 40.The Ministry of Home Affairs is confident that a concerted effort by stakeholders of the criminal justice system of Guyana could result in an improvement in the status quo of Guyana’s prisons.It called for swift action,Cheap MLB Jerseys Authentic, taking cognizance of the basic human rights of this segment of the society.In light of this, the Ministry announced several measures that the Administration has initiated to address overcrowding at the various prisons.These include the construction of a new cellular dormitory for untried prisoners at the Georgetown Prison.  This facility will accommodate approximately 240 prisoners; the creation of a remanded dormitory at Sibley Hall,Cheap Jerseys From China, Mazaruni Prison, to allow for the transfer of remanded prisoners from Georgetown to Mazaruni, particularly those whose trials are set for the Bartica Magistrate’s Court; and the rehabilitation of a dormitory at the Georgetown Prison to house prisoners suffering from tuberculosis.Also on the cards is the granting of special remission, ranging from seven to 28 days, to prisoners who conduct themselves in a disciplined manner.  There is also the use of double-bunk beds to maximize space.

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