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發表於 2018-2-18 21:54:15 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The Guyana National Bureau of Standards (GNBS) conducted an awareness sessionStakeholders in attendance at the awareness session in the packaging and distribution of water standards.for stakeholders involved in the packaging and distribution of packaged water yesterday at the Regency Suites, Hadfield Street.The session focused on creating awareness on the two draft standards: Code of practice for packaged water (GCP 239:2013) and specification for packaged water (GYS 12:2013).These CARICOM standards were both approved as National Standards and once implemented by local producers of packaged water, their products can be sold in any CARICOM Member State.The Executive Director (Ag) of the GNBS,Wholesale Jerseys 2018, Evadnie Enniss, emphasized the need for stakeholders who are packaging water in Guyana to begin to comply with the requirements of available national standards to ensure that good quality and safe water is made available to local consumers. She stated that although these standards are voluntary, compliance to their requirements will allow producers of packaged water to streamline their operations, keep the necessary records and ensure that the water made available to consumers are free from contaminants.Ms. Charissa Wilson and Mr. Al Fraser,Cheap Air Max 2018, Technical Officers of the GNBS, presented the requirements of the standards. The Specification for Packaged Water addresses aspects such as Modification,cheap jerseys, Treatment and handling of packaged water, Health related limits for chemical and radiological substances, microbiological requirements, contaminants, addition of minerals,Cheap Jerseys From China Online, packaging and labelling.Meanwhile, the Code of Practice provides requirements for the protection of alimentary reservoirs and aquifers, hygiene prescriptions for the collection of spring and mineral water,Air Max 97 Buy Online, maintenance of extraction facilities, transport of packaged water, requirements for handling, storage and bottling areas, hygiene control and waste disposal.Marlon Cole, Director of the Food and Drug Department whose Agency is responsible for the monitoring and testing of packaged water in Guyana, also made his presentation at the session. Among the many aspects of his presentation, he highlighted the need for the Food and Drug Department,2018 Nike Air Max 90 Essential, to more effectively monitor the quality of water being sold to consumers, the manner in which the commodity is handled and distributed, training of personnel involved in production and sale,Air Max 1 Atmos For Sale, and the need to increase the number of producers that register with the Department annually.A total of 33 water producers and distributors attended the session.The GNBS will continue to encourage water producers to equip themselves with copies of the Standards, to strive to implement the requirements and to become certified and be granted the approval to have the national standard mark affixed to their products.

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