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發表於 2018-2-18 23:30:06 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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ST. CHARLES, Mo. (AP) — Suspended New York Jets defensive lineman Sheldon Richardson will be back in court in Missouri on Oct. 5 after pleading not guilty Monday to resisting arrest and traffic charges stemming from his arrest in July.
A conviction for resisting arrest is punishable by up to one year in jail. He could also face a fine of up to $1,000.
Richardson was the 13th overall pick in 2013,Cheap Jordan Sneakers Wholesale, and was named Defensive Rookie of the Year that season. He played in the Pro Bowl last season.
Richardson, a former University of Missouri star who lives in the St. Charles County town of O'Fallon in the offseason, was arrested following a chase July 14 that began on Interstate 64. Police say Richardson was driving his 2014 Bentley Silver Spur at speeds up to 143 mph, with a 12-year-old boy,Jerseys China Cheap NFL, a relative, and two other men inside the car. Police said Richardson appeared to be racing with another car.
All five charges are misdemeanors,Cheap Nike Air Max 90 Essential. Richardson's attorney declined comment.
Prosecutors filed no gun charges because they said Richardson possesses it legally,China Jerseys Wholesale. They declined to file drug possession or child endangerment charges because they said there was not enough evidence.
During his suspension,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, Richardson is able to work out at the team's facility, but not practice.
Richardson's attorney entered the plea in St. Charles County, near St. Louis. Richardson was not present. A spokeswoman for the St. Charles County prosecutor's office said it was not certain if a trial date will be set at the October hearing.
The arrest cast doubt on Richardson's future. Two weeks before his arrest, he was suspended by the NFL for four games for marijuana use.
He apologized to the organization and his teammates after the news of his arrest came out,Adidas Nmd Shoes For Sale, something he withheld from even his parents until reports surfaced early in training camp.
Police said they found a loaded semi-automatic handgun under a floor mat on the driver's side, and a probable cause statement said they detected a "very strong odor of burned marijuana."

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