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[田徑] Cheap Adidas Hockey Jerseys on Carifesta X









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發表於 2018-2-19 00:06:12 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The leadership of the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) says it will not participate in Carifesta activities.This was announced by the party yesterday in a prepared statement to the media where the party indicated that it has not changed its position adopted earlier, on Carifesta X, “having reviewed the current situation in Guyana”.In April last, the PNCR had expressed the view that the “current political, economic and social environment was not conducive to the hosting of Carifesta X” and had called on the Jagdeo Administration to address the issue,Wholesale China Jerseys, so that the appropriate environment could be created for the hosting of the event.The main opposition party in its statement said,Pat Tillman Cardinals Throwback Jersey, “The first Carifesta was hosted proudly and successfully by Guyana under the PNC Administration led by Linden Forbes Sampson Burnham…The event was created to celebrate, display and promote Caribbean Culture…The party therefore has a vested interest in ensuring that the event is not misused by the political administration or takes place in circumstances in which its cultural essence is tainted by the consequences of the dictatorial policies of the Jagdeo Administration”.The party said that it has always contended that “Carifesta X must be held in an environment in which the Constitutional right to Freedom of Expression and the right to work are respected by the Government”.On this note, the PNCR pointed out that it had cited the issue of the suspension of the licence of CNS TV, Channel six, ending political control over the media and the establishment of anIndependent National Broadcasting Authority as well as providing equitable access by the Parliamentary Opposition Parties to the State owned media (National Communications Network), as matters that were brought to the fore.The Party reiterated that “it would remain resolute until the Jagdeo Administration satisfactorily addresses the issues of concern.”Regrettably, according to the party, instead of addressing those concerns, “the Jagdeo regime expended millions more than their original secret budgetary allocation of $500M on a massive publicity and PR campaign to market the event. Consequently, the PNCR will lend no credibility or legitimacy to the present activities of the Jagdeo Administration and will not participate in any state sponsored or ceremonial event for Carifesta X.”“Any decent Government should find no difficulty in creating the appropriate environment if,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, indeed,Wholesale Jerseys China, they are anxious to highlight Guyana to the Caribbean and the world,” the statement continued. The reality, the party maintained, is that “the Jagdeo Administration, without any prior consultation with other Stakeholders in Guyana,Cheap China NFL Jerseys, including the Opposition Political Parties,Cheap China Jerseys Authentic, unilaterally proceeded with the hosting of Carifesta X without addressing those major concerns of the majority of Guyanese.”The statement emphasized that it was evident that the Government has no intention of addressing the issues of equitable access to state media, broadcast legislation, the state radio monopoly and the issue of good governance.”Meanwhile, the party said that it “welcomes all artistes from the Caribbean and the Diaspora and wish them a pleasant stay in our beautiful country.”

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