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Air Max 90 Black Leather to build the electronic database









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發表於 2018-2-19 02:13:19 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
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Guyana has started to implement a new nutrition programme,Cheap Jerseys For Sale, which includes the introduction of a new incentive scheme for mothers,Cheap Jerseys For Sale, which is slated to commence in August, according to Minister of Health,Authentic NFL Jerseys Wholesale, Dr. Leslie Ramsammy.He explained that the components of the incentive scheme include the implementation of a monetary facet to encourage the enrollment of pregnant women to antenatal care during their first trimester, and to motivate mothers to bring infants regularly to health clinics during the first six months after birth.The Health Minister made this announcement yesterday at the Diamond Community Centre, East Bank Demerara, where a programme was held in observance of Nutrition Awareness Week.It is anticipated that the four-year programme will cost about US$3M and is expected to benefit about 15,Wholesale Cheap Jerseys,000 mothers per month at full registration in 350 health centres, he stated.Dr. Ramsammy noted that the incentive would be disbursed in three stages of US$30 each for total of US$90 (equivalent to G$18,000). He added that the first payment would be given to the mother before birth and two after the child is born.It was emphasized that the disbursement will be done by a coupon worth G$6,000 which will be given to the mother by the Health Ministry and exchanged for cash at a Local Government office.Dr. Ramsammy stressed that pregnant women and up to six months after delivery,NFL Jerseys China, as well as children two to six months old, stand to benefit from this initiative.Currently training and registration of beneficiaries, to build the electronic database,Nike Air Max 98 Gundam 2018, has commenced, Dr. Ramsammy noted.

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